A Day in the Galley (Christmas -Edition)

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 25th of December 2024
Position: Caribbean Sea
Geographical Position: 13°55.217N 061°07.362W
Etmal: 137nm
Total: 5349nm

This morning we set sail. While some of us were still asleep, the Galley-Team (Jana, Talea and me) had to get up and prepare the brunch. We wanted to celebrate this first Christmas Day with a big brunch.

We woke up at 08:00 and prepared everything, so that it would be ready by 10:00. It should be a little Christmas party. While the others slowly woke up, Jana, Talea and I made bread, meat, cheese, chocolate croissants and fruits ready to serve. We even made a tomato soup, so no one would be hungry during the day.

Everybody liked the brunch. Especially the Nutella was a highlight for everyone. After we made the dishes we had free time till 16:00. Normally the Galley-Team doesn’t have a lot of free time, but today we had a little luck, because lunch was cancelled we had much time for ourself. In the free time most of us took a little nap.

After the nap we stood up to make dinner. For dinner we made potatoes, vegetables, salad and the leftovers from the barbecue last evening. We started to cut the potatoes and vegetables into pieces, but we underestimated the time we would need to do so, then we had to hurry a little in the end to get the potatoes into the oven.

While the Potatoes were in the oven, Talea started with the salad. Meanwhile Jana and I made the dessert. We made a Tart with vanilla pudding and some fruits as topping. Luckily we already prepared the pudding in the morning.

After dinner we quickly made the dishes to have as much free time as possible. We were quickly done and finished our evening with a movie night („Pirates of the Caribbean III“).

I was surprised that the day in the galley was not as exhausting as usually. I thought it would take much more work than it actually did. We were lucky that we had some help. In general, I think Christmas is a good day to have galley duty.


Timo: Danke an die ganze Familie für die Briefe! Das war echt super! Kuss an euch Jungs, die Bilder sind crazy.

Christian: Eyy, frohe Weihnachten!! Danke für die Briefe, ich habe mich sehr gefreut! Wir schauen gerade ironischerweise Fluch der Karibik, ich denk‘ an euch!

Johannes: Frohe Weihnachten und danke für das coole Geschenk. Ich habe auch noch zwei Briefe von Papi und Oma bekommen… die sind wahrscheinlich nicht mehr beim letzten Mal angekommen. Hoffe heute Abend war es schön mit allen. Hab‘ euch lieb!❤️

Felipa: Lina: Danke für das Geschenk, hat mich voll gefreut 🍝💙🪀

Lea: Dein Brief ist angekommen juhu! Glückwunsch zu Deinem Streak 🦉💚🪸 Ich hoffe, ihr hattet schöne Feiertage. Hab‘ euch lieb ❤️

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