Blogbeitrag erstes Mal vs. zweites Mal

Ship: Johnny
Date: 18.12.2024
Position: Atlantik
Nautical Position: 14°20,2’N / 056°35,4’W
Etmal: 5195 sm

How do you like it?!

I’ve been asked to compare our voyage to the one on the Pelican of London 22/23 multiple times, which is why I’m going to do it in this blog today.

First of all, I’ve got to say that you can’t really compare both trips since we’ve got a different ship with a different crew, a different board language and so on.

But I’m going to try anyway. Starting with the obvious, the Pelican of London is a (three-masted) mainmast barquentine and a completely different boat than our (two-masted) topsail schooner Johann Smidt. You can definitely say that the Johnny is an awesome ship; it is really modern and apart from the Pelican, you don’t have to do so much to keep it running.

For example, on our Atlantic crossing, during watch, we were always busy scrubbing away rust or so, while on the Johnny we only have to do the usual stuff—nothing apart from steering lookout and keeping the log updated.

To be honest, the whole trip is totally different. On board the Pelican, we learned way more in a “learning-by-doing” way, while here on the Johann Smidt we’ve actually got sailing classes, in which we are told how and why to do the stuff we’re doing.

Of course, you can always say that “the Pelican had this or that, and we don’t”, but you usually forget the downsides. A good example is the cabins: Here, our bunks are smaller and we don’t only have cabins of four, but on the Pelican you couldn’t close the cabinets; storing your stuff was harder and everything was flying around! Also, the Pelican’s AC systems were even worse than ours!

Or the messroom back then was bigger, but the galley was pretty split. Or you hear complaints about the lack of cooled storage or us running out of butter, but I’m certain that every student on the Pelican would’ve loved to take these details in exchange for drinking water that didn’t taste worse than swimming pool water with double the amount of chlorine. And I’m not even starting with the luxury of sparkling water…

Also, the seasickness only bothered us in the very beginning, because Norbert made us spend two weeks with no stops on our Johnny. On the other hand, some people on my first voyage were still seasick when we started our first Atlantic crossing, because we had quite a few stops, mainly because of the bad weather. Note: You’ve got to get used to the heeling and it takes some time, but if you manage it, it’s usually fine afterward.

Altogether, it’s really hard to compare the two voyages, but both are really amazing in their own way. Hopefully, our trip keeps on staying as awesome as it currently is!


Fynn: Hi ihr Lieben, ich vermisse euch und muss sagen, ich freue mich auf das Telefonat, ich hoffe, dass ihr diesmal zuhause seid 😂 ! Vielen Dank für den Adventskalender, ich finde ihn super! Ich hoffe, dass es euch gut geht und es mit der Skye gut voran geht! Hab‘ euch lieb und bis bald!

Carlotta: Ich hab‘ euch ganz ganz dolle lieb, ich hoffe, ihr habt eine wunderschöne Weihnachtszeit, Grüße an Juli und Chiara und Fridi❤️❤️❤️

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