Coronado and it’s delicious food

Ship: Johnny
Date: 13.01.2025
Position: Spanish school Academia Tica

What a luxury!

Our second full day here in Costa Rica started with a delicious breakfast, which contained garlic bread, guacamole, scrambled eggs, cheese, and of course, the best fruits ever. But the best thing: We didn’t have to make it and we also didn’t have to do the dishes afterward. A real luxury.

The past is the past

As yesterday, we also had Spanish class three times today, with breaks and lunch in between. In my group, we started the day by playing memory with different typical Costa Rican animals. After that, we learned the „indefinido“, which is a past tense in Spanish.

A few of us had already learned it in school, but it wasn’t bad to refresh our memory a little bit. We practiced it by writing about our favorite memories on the ship so far and talking about them. We did it in groups of three and my group wrote about Cape Verde and how we swam with the turtles.

We also wrote an imaginary story about Tristan, who is a very negative person and describes a day in his life to a friend of his. Tristan had very bad luck in our stories with car crashes, lost glasses and many other negative things.

After a few more tasks to practice the newly learned material, we ended today’s class with another round of memory, but this time we had to find the opposite of a word, like black and white, for example. Tomorrow, our class will talk about food, which played an important role in today’s day too.

Love goes through the stomach

At 14:00, our cooking class started and we were divided into three groups again. We cooked something called „Patacones“, for which we peeled and cut cooking bananas, which were cooked afterward. Meanwhile, coriander, lemon, tomatoes and onions were cut to make a salad.

After the bananas were cooked, we smashed them and fried them afterward. In the end, we mixed refried black beans with onions and enjoyed our self-made meal. The fried bananas were the base and we could top them with the bean mix, the salad and cheese, which was super delicious.

To learn some more Spanish, we made a little vocab list of the ingredients we used and verbs of the things we did.

New and old, both are gold

Until dinner, we had some time to explore Coronado again. Yesterday, we already had the opportunity to have free shore leave and go to downtown, so we already knew a few parts of the city. But we also found some new spots, like a Taco Bell or a really nice second-hand shop where we found some cool things that needed a new home – aka our backpacks.

Sleep is overrated?

To end the day, some of us did their Spanish homework for tomorrow’s class, some were writing in their diaries or drawing something, some were playing a game or writing the blog and some were just chilling or already sleeping.

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