Finally good Coffee in Costa Rica

Ship: Johnny
Date: 15.01.2025
Position: Don Eli Coffee Farm, El Llano
009° 39,4’ N, 083° 59,5’ W

Our day started as usual at 06:30 in the morning. Today we had delicious fruits and burritos. It was quite good and Johnny and Reggie had a nice morning together. After breakfast, we had our presentation, which we had learned at the Spanish school. My group played a game. The others had prepared a theatre performance and some just talked about what they liked about the school and what they wanted to become.

After that, we all began packing our stuff from the Papay house. It was not so nice that it rained the whole morning because all of our tents and our stuff got wet. But we managed to pack everything. Afterwards, we said goodbye to our teachers and friends from the Reggie group and went to the bus.

After a two hour drive from Coronado, where most of us slept or ate watermelons, coconuts or mandarins (I ate six), it was a calm and pleasant ride. When we arrived at the coffee farm, the owner, Carlos, was already there to take our luggage.

Carlos is a very friendly man who has worked his whole life on this coffee farm since he was a child. He studied and travelled a lot around the world, but in the end, he always wanted to work as a coffee farm worker.

After we arrived and Carlos gave his welcome speech, which was very kind, we started setting up our tents. After 20 minutes, everybody was ready for the night and some of us took an evening nap.

After our delicious lunch, which was homemade rice with meat and vegetables, we had free time. Some of us went to the kiosk near the coffee farm and some, like me, went swimming.

It was a bit cold, but we got used to it. After some swimming, Hannes, Benni and I decided to run up the river and swim down the river, which was very fun and entertaining.

After our swimming session, we also went to the kiosk and got some snacks for the evening. We also enjoyed a beautiful sunset with a rainbow mixed in. The little village also had a nice football field, where we relaxed a bit and enjoyed our time.

After dinner, which was also very delicious, Carlos set a little bonfire for us and we had a very beautiful evening together. With a relaxed evening, the first day at the coffee farm ended.


Julius: Mama und Papa, ich schick‘ euch Bilder sobald ich wieder WLAN hab, weil ich konnte sie nicht mehr losschicken. Hab‘ euch ganz doll lieb ❤️❤️.

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