Friday – 13th

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 13th of December 2024
Position: Atlantic Ocean
Geographical Position: 16°12.783N 045°11.869W
Etmal: 137nm
Total: 4215nm

Friday the 13th…

It’s a wonder how no one has gotten their hand stuck in a door yet. Still, here’s a list of the most unlucky things that happened today:

  1. We did a swim-stop – you may be asking why that would be bad, but as soon as we put down all of the sails, we realised the waves weren’t as small as we thought. However, we wouldn’t give up the chance to swim in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean! So, we settled for the solution of only letting one person jump in and get back up on the ship at a time. It’s crazy to think about how we’ve got about 5km of water underneath us before there’s actual ground!
  2. Marie, Anna and Antonio didn’t get to comment on yesterday’s daily post – don‘t worry, they will comment right under this post!
  3. As I am writing this, a few sliced onions fell on the floor. It isn’t easy to cut them on a rocking sailing ship. Just imagine slicing vegetables while the surface you’re cutting on is being picked up, dropped and shaked, all at the same time!
  4. Janno almost beat Anneke’s record in his geography guess-app – but he misclicked on the last question and therefore barely didn’t set the new record!

And in contrast to that, let’s take a look at all of the great things happening here:

  1. We are sailing at great speed, it looks like we will win the race over the Atlantic Ocean against the Johann Smidt and therefore secure the „15kg-Nutella“-prize! (Anmerkung der Redaktion: Es war die Rede von 10kg… mal schauen, wie viel es bei der Ankunft nach eurer Zählung ist!)
  2. We are already more than halfway across the Atlantic Ocean – tomorrow, we will celebrate that with the so-called „Mid-Atlantikball“! We all can’t wait to finally be on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, especially to phone-call all of you!
  3. It’s Franz‘ birthday today! Happy birthday! 🥳
  4. We are slowly learning more and more card games – by now, most people know games like the Bavarian classic “Schafkopf“ or „Arschloch“ in addition to our ship-classics like ”Dutch”, “Durak”, „Poker“ and „Uno“. By the time we return, we will already be masters of all card games existing!🃏😎
  5. We had “Kaiserschmarrn“ for lunch today, huge shoutout to today’s galley-team!
  6. Nobody’s seasick, even after the big waves yesterday!
  7. The theatre group is making progress towards the Ocean College-version of the Christmas story. But I’m sure, you will hear more about that in 11 days!

Have a merry time till Christmas, hopefully with more snow than we have!


Leon: Hi Mama und Papa, vielen Dank für die zugeschickten Brillen (hatte gerade Zeit jetzt zu schreiben). Ich werde meine Bilder von meiner Kamera, wenn wir in Martinique sind und Internet haben, schicken, damit Du sehen kannst, was wir alles erlebt haben. Den Rest können wir per Telefonat beplappern. Bis in Martinique!

Janno: I miss you ❤️❤️❤️

Franz: Ich hatte hier einen wunderschönen Geburtstag! Geweckt mit Happy Birthday wie Zuhause. Auch noch vielen Dank für das Video an alle und an die Person, die das erstellt/ geschnitten hat. Das hat mich emotional sehr berührt und ich freue mich riesig, an Weihnachten von euch zu hören! Hab‘ euch alle unendlich lieb! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Antonio: Ich will nur kurz feststellen, dass ich gezwungen worden bin, diese Bemerkung zu schreiben, daher an alle einen schönen Freitag den 13ten. Anmerkung dazu: Pssst, ich hab Content gebraucht (Christian)

Marie: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag nachträglich, Opi! Hab‘ leider den Tagesbericht von gestern verpasst, aber trotzdem ganz doll an Dich gedacht. Beim nächsten Telefonat an Weihnachten erwischen wir uns! Grüße <3

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