Good Food, good mood

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: January 30th 2025
Position: Caribbean Sea
Geographical Position: 11°35.045’N 081°12.130’W
Day’s Run: 146 nm
Total Distance: 6,939 nm

Three days ago, we returned to the Reggie. After a short speech from Marie, everything seemed pretty normal – except for two new faces.

The first was our new medic, Nicola. We had already met her at the border and had some time to get to know her. The second was Reiner – Rainer Lewinski – the most important person on board, also known as the cook.

Since Rainer is now the key to good vibes on board, I’m dedicating today’s report to him:

Rainer’s life began in 1969. His mother gave birth to him in Leipzig on December 8th, where he spent his entire childhood and early adulthood. That’s also where he had his first experience with cooking – specifically, at the five-star Hotel Astoria, where he completed his training as a chef.

Later, his journey took him beyond his hometown. After quick stops in Frankfurt, Munich and Essen – where he had already become a head chef – he made a bold move and followed a wealthy friend to South Africa to run the kitchen in his restaurant.

The country fascinated him, and after working with his friend, he decided to continue his career as a chef at two more restaurants in South Africa. At just 26, this was only the beginning.

He returned to Germany, this time to Munich, where he built an impressive career in every imaginable category – from sous-chef to finally becoming independent. He established his own business, Lewinski Gastronomie and in 2010, he fulfilled his lifelong dream by opening his own restaurant in Rügen, called Vis-à-Vis.

But then, the shock.

In 2011 – just one year after achieving his dream – he suffered a terrible car accident and had to undergo two years of rehabilitation. But Rainer was strong. After recovering, he worked for another nine years in Munich and Leipzig before starting a new chapter in his life.

He discovered that he could combine his passion with his profession. And for Rainer, that meant bringing his work to the water, because his passion was sailing. This led him to a yacht in Greece and, fortunately for us, to Ocean College last year.

If this isn’t one of the most impressive career stories you’ve ever heard, then you must know some crazy people!

Since Rainer joined us, we’ve been the happiest and most grateful crew on Earth. As last years yearbook described him, he’s simply the GOAT. Every morning, I wake up with a smile, knowing I get to enjoy the fresh fruit, yogurt and Nutella that Reiner prepares for us.

The same goes for lunch and dinner – definitely the best food we’ve had in three months.

But Rainer isn’t just a great cook, no, he’s also hilarious and galley watch with him is always a blast.

I’m already looking forward to breakfast tomorrow morning, so good night everyone and thank you, Galley God, for bringing us Rainer!


Johannes: Der Koch ist echt super cool und das Essen ist wirklich richtig lecker. Mir gehts hier weiterhin super bis auf meinen Sonnenbrand, der einmal meinen Oberkörper und Gesicht durchquert. Hab‘ euch alle ganz doll lieb! Euer Johanni ❤️

Franz: Hello nach Hause! Habibi Adam, ich wünsche Dir all das Beste zum Geburtstag mein Bester. Ich vermisse Dich unendlich und hab dich so dolle lieb! Ich freue mich schon auf das VFB-Spiel mit Dir und Papa und ich schaue schon voraus, euch bald wieder zu hören und in zwei,… Monaten euch wieder zu sehen. An den Rest, ich hab euch ♾️ Lieb!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Vermisse euch!💌🥰🫶🏼⛵️❤️ Euer kleiner Mann auf dem Segelboot😉

Enno: Hey hooooo!!! Also erstmal: Mir geht’s super!! Alles alles alles Gute zum 80ten Geburtstag Omammi!! Ich hoffe, Du hast/ hattest einen super Tag und es wird/ wurde feierlich auf Dich angestoßen. Hängt davon ab, wann Dich diese Nachricht erreicht. Ich schick‘ Dir eine ganz dicke Umarmung und 1000 Bussis!! Ich hoffe, allen anderen geht’s auch gut und es passt alles. Ganz liebe Grüße, euer Enno 😘🌊🐠🥰🫶🏼🦹‍♂️🫙🔌🎉🎉📌🔝🃏

Sophia: Danke an alle für die Briefe.💌 Habe mich wieder riesig gefreut. Mir geht’s prima. Hab‘ euch alle ganz dolle lieb und vermiss‘ euch ein bisschen. Ganz liebe Grüße Sophia 🌊🪸🐳🐠🥰🫶🏼❤️

Jasper: Meine erste Bemerkung nach über drei Monaten…..😬😬Ich wollte nur sagen, dass es mir gut geht und alles okay ist. Eure Briefe hab ich mittlerweile bekommen, hab‘ mich sehr darüber gefreut💌💌. Ganz Liebe Grüße, Jasper

Sali: Vielen Dank für euere tollen Briefe, hat mich echt sehr gefreut. Leider habe ich es nicht geschafft, meinen Brief loszuwerden, ich probiere es einfach weiterhin, ihn abzuschicken. Lea, ich werde Dir bald das Lösungswort zukommen lassen. Vielen Dank für alles.
Und ganz liebe Grüße aus der Karibik ❤️❤️⛵️🫡🦧

Anna: Lieber Opi, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Ich hoffe, Du hast einen schönen Tag und ihr feiert schön! Und natürlich auch alles Gute zum Hochzeitstag! Ich denke an euch…

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