Happy Day

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 26th of October 2024
Authors: Janno & Jana
Position: On anchorage
Geographical Position: 48°20.295 N 004°31.292 W
Etmal: 0
Total: 528.75 nm

The day started with the song „Last Christmas,“ even though we still have to wait 59 more days. Nevertheless, motivated, Kasper prepared a little workout for us. In addition to a lot of muscle soreness, we will have perfect sporty Baywatch bodies in the Caribbean.

After that, we met in groups to discuss the details for our pathway presentations. There are three pathways we could choose from before the journey started: economics, science, and media. In each of these areas, each of us will work on a topic that we will present, followed by a discussion.

During these preparations, we were interrupted by a fire alarm, in which we are now professionals. After an excellent execution (it took us only four minutes until everyone was „saved“), the crew prepared the fire hoses, etc.

The election of the student representatives in the ship’s council was the main topic for today after the test alarm. Sophia, Enno, Marie, Johannes, Jana and Balthasar were elected in a nerve-wracking election. Congratulations again at this point!

Happy and full after a fantastic lunch, everyone grabbed a cleaning cloth because it was time for the very unpleasant program point of the day: The legendary Happy Hour.

The Happy Hour, meaning a deep clean of the whole ship, dragged on so long that it could be called a Happy Day. This was mainly because Marie, no matter how many times she had already wiped the room, always found a dusty corner. Summa summarum, we can now say that we have the cleanest ship of all seven oceans (thanks to Marie).


Franz: An alle: Die erste Woche war mega cool trotz Seekrankheit am ersten Abfahrtstag. An meine Fam: Ich hab‘ euch lieb.

Julius: Ich vermisse euch. <3

Marie: Hallooo!! Mir geht’s super, ich hatte Galley, wo ich richtig gut drin bin und wurde in den Schiffsrat gewählt, damit hab‘ ich gar nicht gerechnet 🙂 Grüße <3

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