Just chilling

Schiff: Johnny
Date: 27.10.2024
Position: Biskaya
Nautical Position: 48 Grad 17.8‘N, 006 Grad 18.2‘W
Etmal: 128nm
Total: 701nm

After one week at sea, it’s the first day in the Bay of Biscay. We expected a very windy day, but it turned out to be very calm. Today is Sunday, so it’s time for some self-care. Most of us are reading, writing in our journals, knitting, taking showers or are just chilling.

But chilling isn’t that easy, because of the big waves, that are turning the ship into a rollercoaster with the deck at an angle of up to 23 degrees. One of the crew members told us, that the highest angle they had at one time was 27 degrees, so we were pretty close to that. Sadly, we don’t have a picture.

Today turned out to be very special, because at dinner we ate burgers. They were delicious, but also funny because, due to the big waves our plates didn’t stay where they belonged and one even broke.

We’re all looking forward to the first of November, because maybe we will arrive in Vigo then. Some people are already planning what they want to do and what they definitely want to buy for the next long time on the water.


Nele: Alles Gute zum Geburstag Papa, ich hoffe, Du hattest einen schönen Tag❤️Ich vermiss‘ Dich, Liam❤️

Flurina: Ich vermiss‘ eu ganz fest❤️

Daniela: Ganz liebe Grüße an Mama und Papa und meine Schwester ❤️

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