Next Level Coffee Machines

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 20.01.2025
Position: Coffeefarm Don Eli

Today we had two main events:

The wet milling of the Coffee

We went 20 meters up the hill to the wet milling machines.

How it works:

  1. Put the coffee berries into one of two pools (you can sort two different types of coffee in the two pools, for example, red and yellow (sweeter) coffee).
  2. Open the water tank. Water flows into the coffee pool, making the coffee berries float out of the pool through a pipe to the top of the washing „stairs.“
  3. Start the converter, which enhances the power and voltage for the rest of the machines.
  4. Start the sorting machinery.
  5. Open the valve for the washing water.
  6. Let the coffee berries run down the washing stairs to get clean.
  7. Some people have to jump into the coffee pool to ensure all beans run through the hole to the stairs.
  8. Start the lower pump, which pumps the washed coffee beans, including the water, to the sorting machinery.
  9. The water is separated from the coffee beans and led back to the tank (see step 2). The machine for this step looks like a „Flotte Lotte“ — viele Grüße nach Hause an dieser Stelle!
  10. The coffee berries are pushed into a funnel and fall down into the peeler.
  11. Someone has to stand on the machine and watch the funnel to prevent overflow or stoppage of water flow.
  12. The peeler removes the berries‘ shells.
  13. „Cascara“ (the shell) and beans are sorted. The shell is sent through a pipe into one of Carlos’s four cars.
  14. In the small truck, some people divide the coffee shells evenly across the entire back of the truck.
  15. The beans are pushed into a rotating sorting drum. Beans fall through the drum while everything else (e.g., unpeeled berries or unsorted shells) passes through and falls into a bag. When full, the bag is emptied into the pool.
  16. After passing the sorting drum, the beans fall into a big green tank. At the bottom of the tank, Timo releases the beans into baskets.
  17. Many people carry the beans in baskets to the drying stations.
  18. In the afternoon, Carlos brought the coffee shells with his truck to a compost pile, where we spread them flat on the ground to dry.

The Germany – Costa Rica Football Match

Carlos arranged a match for us with the young inhabitants of a nearby village.

We set up two teams with seven players each: one B-Team and one A-Team. The rest were either ready as substitutes or sat in the stands, watching, cheering, sleeping or playing Schafkopf.

The field was wet and muddy all over and it probably wasn’t the best idea to show up for the match in Crocs… So I took them off and played barefoot.

In the end, the A-Team lost 7:9, but the B-Team, despite scoring an own goal and losing one player, won 5:4.

Balthasar eventually turned the B-Team victory party into a mud war. 😃

When we returned to the coffee farm, dinner was ready perfectly on time.


Hannes: Viele Grüße!

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