Safety first

Ship: Johnny
Date: 29.10.2024
Position: Biscay
Nautical Position: 44° 28.9’N, 009° 15.7’W
Etmal: 127nm
Total: 828nm

After we enjoyed breakfast and the sunrise, we had to complete the ‚Green List,‘ which means we had to clean the toilets and the mess room.

At 09:00, the lesson with Norbert for the port side group started again. Because we did a deep clean last time, we were a little behind the stubborn group and had to catch up a bit. We learned new things about the sails and Norbert explained how the different radio waves work and what we need to say when we are in a dangerous situation.

A little sneak peek into the galley today: We had very delicious banana cookies and mousse au chocolat. 🍪

We are sailing again! After a while under engine, we finally set the sails. After lunch, we all met at one p.m. and set the inner jib, the outer jib, the shoner, and the mainsail. Now we are making over nine knots just with the sails.

Safety is important!

Later, after tea time, Norbert showed us what we learned theoretically on deck and told us more about safety: What to do when there is a ‚man overboard,‘ how to secure everything in case of fire and what we need to do when we have to leave the ship.

The day ended with funny conversations and a beautiful sunset.

P.S.: We love sailing! ⛵️


Nele: Ich vermiss‘ euch ganz dolle❤️

Frieda: Ganz ganz liebe Grüße an Greta ❤️ ich hoffe, Du hattest einen ganz tollen Geburtstag 🎂 krass, dass Du jetzt einfach schon 14 bist. Ich habe Dich ganz doll lieb!

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