Setting Sails in the Channel (or so)

Ship: Johnny
Date: 23.10.2024
Position: The English Channel
Nautical Position: 50 Grad 20,3’ N, 000 Grad 03’ W (Wohoo, we passed the Greenwich Meridian!)
ETMAL: 122 M (Total: 256 M)

Today, we entered the English Channel at around 1 AM, and the B watch from 8 AM to 12 PM got to see the famous white cliffs of Dover first. Apart from a lot of ships and a school of some black-and-white dolphin-like creatures, there wasn’t much to see.

At 1 PM, we were called to the front of the Johnny to exchange the second Jib (J2; Klüver) with the smaller third Jib (J3). To do that, Kyrill and I (Vera) climbed to the very bow of the ship and took the J2 down so that Anna and Paul could install the J3.

Later, we had a seamanship lesson with Norbert. It was about how to mark your current position on a map and how to calculate and measure distances.

Nele and Carlotta at the 4 PM watch. The afternoon watch was pretty calm and nothing bad happened.

In the galley 🥮 today, we had a really tasty apple crumble (for those who came early enough).

Finally, the sun is setting after a nice long day. Greetings to everyone!

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