Sexuality-Education Workshops, new students and our phones

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 23th of November 2024
Position: Tenerife, Spain
Geographical Position: 28°27.907N 016°14.703W
Etmal: 0nm
Total: 2091,2nm

Today was a truly historical day: After five weeks on board, we finally got our phones back.

But let’s start at the very beginning: After the usual breakfast of porridge we were instructed to go ashore, where a workshop should take place. At this point, we didn’t know yet that we’d be talking about Sex, Drugs, etc. (please someone get the song reference) for the rest of the workshop.

„Tabu, but make it spicy“

Ashore, we got divided into four small groups with one teacher each. They handed us cards with different words about sexuality and soon we explained each other words like „Viagra“ and „erogene Zonen“ without actually saying the words out loud.

Can I ask you a question?

After the game of tabu, girls and boys got separated and we sat in two groups, again with one teacher (or medic) each. This time, they handed us sticky notes on which we could write down questions for the other gender/group. Then we switched the sticky notes, so that the girls answered the boys‘ questions and the other way round.

Newbies on board

We couldn’t finish the workshop yet, because of another exciting event: The two new students we’ve been waiting for, Christian and Timo, arrived. We greeted them with the legendary „tree-song“ and I truly hope they’re not too disturbed by the first impressions they got.

The main event today: Our phones

After lunch, we finally got our cellphones. We’ve been waiting and preparing ourselves for this moment for a long time, still it felt strange to be suddenly connected with the rest of the world again. For the next five hours, everywhere in Santa Cruz were small groups of teenagers, with their eyes glued to the screen, to be seen.

Most of us went to cafés with free wifi, but my group decided to use the Wifi of a Möbelhaus (what’s the English word again?) where we could call our friends and family in the coziness of brand new sofas (until we got kicked out…).

In the evening before dinner, we finally switched the sticky notes back and read the answers in our two groups. The girls’ group laughed a lot, because most of our questions were answered with „Typsache“, which is a great transition to my last point:

The „Zitate-Buch“

Thanks to Lisa, we now have a notebook, where everyone can write down funny quotes or phrases someone on board once said.

Here are some examples (with explanation):

„Sechs Jahre Gefängnis!“ – („six years in prison“; in Morocco, homosexuality is prohibited so we shouted this everytime two friends were walking hand in hand)

„Das Leben kann so schön sein. Aber auch so hart!“ – („Life can be so beautiful. But also so hard!“; Malte out of nowhere during a beautiful night watch)

„Muss schon wehgetan haben, war aber bestimmt ne Erfahrung fürs Leben“ – („Must’ve hurt, but it’s a life experience“; Malte about the injection in Hannes‘ butt)

„Bääähhhh! Die küssen sich!“ – („Ewwww, they’re kissing“; Raphi with the voice of a child during Star Wars)


Janno: Schöne Grüße von der Regina Maris und danke für die gehäkelten Socken Birgit ❤️

Jakob: vielen Dank für die Telefonate, habe mich sehr gefreut und vermisse euch alle!!❤️

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