The fridge and our last alpha watch luck

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 8th of January 2025
Position: Linton Bay, Panama
Geographical Position: 09°39.979’N 080°13.842’W
Etmal: 39 nm
Total: 6642 nm

As always, my day started at 1am with my anchor watch. We were doing our German homework, talking and laughing, so time was flying pretty fast for us. It was a nice watch and nothing happened – until it did…

When we went down to the galley to get some water, we looked at the fridge and thought – shit! It had almost 19 degrees! (for those who don’t know anything about a fridge – that’s way too warm.)

So, in the last half hour of our watch, we woke up our watch officer, Ester and Heine, our captain and they were fixing it. At the end of our watch, the temperature was falling, finally. But is it really fixed? We will see…

That, you know, was the normal part of our day.

After sleeping and having breakfast, we were in the harbour to get fuel and during that we were allowed to go on land for one hour. Back on the ship, I had an interesting conversation with an older woman. She told me that she started to love ships after visiting one as a little child and that she is always very happy when she sees them.

I started to realize what an unbelievable possibility we have, being on the Regina for half a year.

Then we went out of the harbour and back to sail the last miles to Bocas del Toro. For us, it meant the last watch in this watch constellation.

The rest of the day we were finishing our homework and packing our stuff for Costa Rica. (To get to my cabin, I had to climb over several bags, but that’s nothing compared to the next day – you couldn’t see the floor!)

Then I had my last night watch…

When I went up, the first thing I saw was Antonio. He decided to steer into his birthday during our whole watch.

It was a nice last watch and our alpha luck wasn’t leaving us; the rain clouds disappeared without touching us.

An explanation of the alpha luck:

During my whole time on board, I never had one watch with rain. So when the other watch told us that it was raining really badly outside and that our watch would be pretty wet, it always stopped raining when we went outside.

Or, when we saw only clouds during our whole watch, we decided to change the course by five degrees and we sailed away from the rain even faster and better on course than before.

Of course, it started pouring when our watch was over, but never before. Also, we never had things that broke, like in some other watches.

We all had fun in our last watch and we will miss it in the future. But hopefully, it wasn’t my last alpha night watch during our journey!


Talea: Hi Family, hier ist es richtig schön und ich freue mich auf Costa Rica! Maya, viel Spaß auf der Musikfahrt, erzähl‘ mir alles! Ich hab‘ euch alle ganz doll lieb!

Marie: Hallo! Mein Video für den Bundeswettbewerb Fremdsprachen ist seit gestern fertig, den Schülern hat’s sehr gut gefallen 🙂 Außerdem hab‘ ich die Prüfung geschrieben, lief okay. Hoffe, es reicht wieder zum selben Ergebnis wie letztes Jahr! Grüße <3

Janno: Es ist schon der zweite Versuch und ein bisschen zu spät, aber ich wünsche euch ein schönes neues Jahr ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Antonio: Danke für die Geburtstagsglückwünsche!

Christian: Soo, das ist wahrscheinlich der letzte Kommentar für ’ne Weile, weil wir ja bald in Costa Rica sind, aber dann kriege ich ja eh mein Handy. Wir hören uns, ich freu mich.

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