The second day on the coffee farm

Ship: Johnny
Date: 17.01.2025
Position: Don Eli Coffee Farm, El Llano
Nautical position: 009° 39,4’ N, 083° 59,5’ W

We started our day with a really nice breakfast with pancakes and fresh fruits. In general, we all agreed that the food on the coffee farm is really delicious.

Then we went to the drying station. This is the place where the coffee beans are peeled and dried. Carlos, the farmer, told us about the four different methods to peel and dry the coffee beans:

  1. Dry Method:
    The beans are dried whole, then peeled.
  2. Wet Method:
    Cherries are depulped, fermented and washed.
  3. Honey Method:
    Cherries are depulped but dried with mucilage intact.
  4. Mechanical Method:
    Machines strip the skin and pulp.

We were split into different groups with various tasks.

Two people had to shovel the beans inside the silo so they wouldn’t get stuck. It was a little bit unpleasant because the beans were not totally fresh, so they smelled bad.

Then the beans were washed and peeled inside the machine. The skin of the beans was dropped onto the red pickup truck, where two other people had to distribute them.

A basket was placed under the green silo so that all peeled beans fell into it. The full baskets were brought to the bean beds, where they are going to dry.

In the afternoon, we drove on the pickup’s payload area to a waterfall. We listened to music and enjoyed the wind blowing through our hair. I think this car ride was one of the best moments of our trip so far.

The waterfall was located inside a small valley. Most of us put our heads under the heavy, down-dropping water, but only for a few minutes because it was really cold. Next to the waterfall was a restaurant, where we could buy ice cream and soft drinks.

I think it was one of the best days we had on our trip and I am looking forward to tomorrow.


Frieda: Alles alles Gute zum Geburtstag Henry 🙂 ich hoffe, Du hattest einen ganz tollen Tag und hast schön gefeiert. Jetzt bist du für immer in den Grüßen verewigt.

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