We’re still standing

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 9th of November 2024
Location: South of Portugal
Geographical Position: 36°09’36“ N 008°43’72“ W
Etmal: 59.5 nm
Total: 1393.1 nm

This morning was like every other morning: Get up, eat, and have a quick meeting where we got the news that we’d be setting sail for Morocco today. We just had to wait for our first officer, Marie, to return from the Port Authority after checking out. The plan was for her to go, inform them that we were headed to Morocco and that would be it.

Everything was going smoothly until the Port Authority said „nope“ – the entire crew and students would need to check out in person. So we walked ten minutes in the direct sun to check out and show our passports. After that, we finally set sail for Morocco!

We then had two lessons with the morning school group, one in German and one in Politics, which was very interesting as we were reading about the current situation with the „traffic light coalition“ (Ampel-Koalition) in Germany.

About an hour later, our captain showed up and announced that we’d be taking everything out of the kitchen to the main deck for a deep clean. So, we did that and some of the things we found were pretty funny – and a couple of them were a bit disgusting. For example, we found an old hair clipper, a meat grinder (Fleischwolf), rusty knives, broken pot lids, a deep fryer and a lot of random, unidentified items.

Now, we’re about to have dinner and then enjoy a moonlit night.


Balthasar: Ich denke sehr an euch und bin ein bisschen traurig, dass ich morgen nicht ausgesungen werde. Könnt ihr Casimir Happy Birthday sagen bitte?😘 Beim Kotzcounter stehe ich jetzt leider auf eins.

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