Xoxo, Gossip Girl

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 1st of February 2024
Position: Isla de Providencia
Geographical Position: 13°22.553’N 081°22.652’W
Etmal: 0 nm
Total: 7,049 nm

Well hello there, Upper East Siders … actually, no, hello to the families and friends back home who are reading this in hopes of hearing from their friends or children. Today, you may not hear the name of your child, but you will hear the stories they don’t tell you on their phones.

After an almost normal day spent celebrating Nuala’s 18th birthday (congratulations to her) and hiking to Henry Morgan’s Head (don’t ask), we are now gathered here to discuss the important things in life: The lives of others.

On our ship, we get close to each other due to the minimal space we have. It only makes sense that sometimes people become more than close friends. Some relationships started really early (within the first 24 hours) but ended just as quickly. Don’t you agree, Nr. 2 and Nr. 3?

But there are other couples whose relationships started later and are still going strong. That is the case with Nr. 12 and Nr. 25, with Nr. 26 and Nr. 29 and also with Nr. 10 and Nr.23. Congratulations to Nr. 10 and Nr. 23 for finding each other, even though you are in different friend groups!

But not every couple seems to be as happy as these few. There’s also whatever-you-want-to-call-it happening between Nr. 19 and Nr. 27. Of course, we never really know what’s going on there, but both partners seem to want something different from the same relationship. We’ll see how that turns out …

Speaking of things that don’t work, just recently, the messy on-and-off relationship between Nr. 13 and Nr. 17 has come to a final end. It was about damn time! My assistant and I are surprised that it even lasted that long.

That absolutely wasn’t the case with Nr. 14 and Nr. 20 – the one couple we thought would last through the whole journey. Everyone saw that relationship as healthy and long-lasting, but apparently, that wasn’t true. It came to a quick end on the same day the relationship between Nr. 13 and Nr. 17 ended. Is there a connection? After all, Nr. 13 and Nr. 14 are very close friends …

All these couples are part of the same friend group. In the other friend group, things are a little bit more complicated. We may not see the same quantity of couples there, but there’s certainly more quality in the drama.

We briefly mentioned Nr2 and Nr3 earlier, but there’s more to that story: while Nr2 is still holding on to that relationship, Nr3 has moved on really quickly. Now, Nr3 is interested in Nr4, who just so happens to be a close friend of Nr2.

Nr2 may have said that they don’t have a problem with the „close friendship“ between Nr3 and Nr4, but it’s obvious that they do – in fact, it’s not a small problem at all. Honestly, who wouldn’t feel that way? But this love triangle is not even the highlight of the drama in this group.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present: 

The Love Pentagon (with additional backstory)

At the heart of the pentagon, there’s one main triangle consisting of Nr31, Nr11 and Nr35. These three became really close friends a while ago, but over time, it became clear that there were more than just platonic feelings involved. To be precise, Nr35 has had feelings for Nr11 for quite some time now. However, on the other hand, Nr11 and Nr31 seem to be connecting really well. 😉

I have reliable sources confirming that they’ve been spending a lot of time together – so much time, in fact, that their friends have started betting on when they will officially get together. Poor Nr35.

But truth be told, Nr35 doesn’t have to be alone for too long, because Nr1 is always waiting around the corner. This person has had feelings for Nr35 since the beginning of the journey. But, hate to say it this way, Nr35 never had feelings for Nr1.

Now let’s shift our attention to Nr31. Of course, someone has to have a crush on Nr31 – it would be boring otherwise, right? Enter Nr9, who has already had their first relationship on board (spoiler: those two have broken up by now, but the ex isn’t important here, so we won’t elaborate). Nr9 has realized that they like the attention one gets from being in a relationship.

Now, they want that kind of attention back, preferably from Nr31. Why them? That, we don’t know for sure and to be honest, it doesn’t matter. All we know is that Nr31 isn’t giving them that type of attention back, so there’s nothing more to say about that.

You can see that the situation is complicated but highly entertaining for us. We’ll see how the drama develops … and of course, we’ll tell you more next time.

See you then.

Xoxo, Gossip Girl


Nuala: Hallo, ich hatte einen super tollen Geburtstag! Glücklicherweise auf einer traumhaften Insel von Kolumbien. Wir haben Schoki Eis gegessen und einen Strand Tag gemacht. Es war sehr schön. Danke für eure Videos! Die haben mir viel bedeutet. Auch für eure Briefe vielen Dank! Ich habe euch super dolle lieb und hoffe, dass es euch gut geht ❤️❤️❤️

Nr11: Es bleibt spannend hier. Schaun‘ ma mal was wird!

Gossip Girl: Was wird 😉

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