
The Medic-Team

Ship: Johnny
Date: 16.12.2024
Position: 14° 29,0’N / 052° 46,9’W
ETMAL: 131 Meilen
Total distance: 2469 NM seit Santa Cruz

On our ship, we have some different teams, each with specific tasks. For example, the trash team, which takes care of the trash on board, the laundry team, which handles the laundry and so on. But I’ve had the luck to be in a very special team, in my opinion. I’m in the medic team, so today I would like to introduce you to our team.

First of all, our team members:

Annal (Anna), 16 years old. Two years ago, she noticed her passion for medicine. Her dream is to become a surgeon. Her favorite medical TV series are “The Good Doctor” and “Grey’s Anatomy.” She is always immediately there (really immediately, like someone addicted) when someone gets hurt, so she can learn something new about medicine.

Our cute Fufu (Flurina), 15 years old. She is going to take educational training to become a media marketer, but she still finds medicine very interesting. She is particularly interested in the medical field of psychology. Her favorite medical TV series is “Grey’s Anatomy.”

Now, our adopted child, Paul. Paul is 15 years old but is actually in the mechanical team. However, shortly after the teams were founded, he sneaked into our group and since then, he’s also one of us. He may want to go into the medical field, but isn’t quite sure right now. Tragically, he never watches “Grey’s Anatomy” or “The Good Doctor”, which is a big disappointment.

Our beloved medic Jakob, who had to leave us in the Cape Verde Islands. He’s a child psychologist and also worked before at a hospital. He was always there for us, even when we were too dumb to use a knife properly in the kitchen, and he lovingly cared for our small cuts. In a short time, he got a big place in all our hearts. At many medic meetings, he told us a lot about medicine and showed us how many things work.

Christian is our new medic, 71 years old. At the age of 25, he noticed his interest in medicine. He worked as a doctor in internal medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy. He was also a surgeon and a development worker in Africa. Now he’s retired but still works a little bit as an expert for the justice system. He doesn’t watch medical TV series, because he would laugh too much about them.

And at the end, me (Nele), 16 years old. In the future, I may also want to go into the medical field. The areas I find most interesting are cancer medicine, pediatric medicine and medical service in the army. My favorite medical TV series is “The Good Doctor.”

What we’ve already learned:

Because of Jakob, we’ve learned many things about medicine. First of all, he showed us the medic backpack. In there, for example, is a stiff neck collar, medicine for emergencies, an oxygen bottle, a manual pump to remove vomit from the throat (for example, when you get seasick and food gets stuck in your throat—thankfully, we’ve never had to use it) and so on.

We also had some meetings where Jakob told us how to properly care for a wound. Because of that, we can now cut beautiful triangles out of plaster (most of the time).

We were also lucky that he spent a lot of his time answering our questions about overdoses, cramping fits, the craziest moments he’s experienced in medicine, contusions and so on. In our last medic meeting, he also gave us a course on knowledge about different kinds of bandages. We learned how to make a pressure bandage and how to use a triangular bandage for arm, knee and head injuries.

Here you can see us at the bandage course and also a way you should never make a pressure bandage.

„Crazy“ medical moments on board:

Luckily, we don’t have many “crazy” medical injuries on board, but we still have Ella and Hannes.


  • Injury: Knee injury, maybe something is broken under her patella, we will know more in Martinique.
  • How she got hurt: She wanted to sit down on a bench and then her knee twisted in a weird way and the patella dislocated.


  • Injury: A small fragment dislocated from the right index finger.
  • How he got hurt: We sat down with a sitting sack on the “Catwalk” (the place where the sails are stored) during some medium-sized waves. He was like: “We will fall in a few seconds.” I was like: “No, there are still three waves left.” But then we fell, and everything landed on Hannes and he got a swollen finger.

Plans for the Medic Team:

Tomorrow, we’ve already planned a medic meeting with Christian to show him what we’ve already learned and our knowledge about the medic backpack.

What happened today?

Today, starboard had class and we got informed that we will write a test about “Vectors” the day after tomorrow. Of course, everyone was highly motivated.

We also had Spanish in the sea garden, which was flooded because of the heavy waves. In the evening, Malte showed us a moon rainbow. It’s quite similar to a rainbow, but it’s made with moonlight. We weren’t sure if it really was one, because they’re extremely rare. Special was also that Noam got his hair cut.

Special greetings for our loved medic Jakob:

Lieber Jakob, wir hoffen, dass es Dir gut geht und dass Du gut zu Hause angekommen bist. Wir vermissen Dich ganz doll und ohne Dich ist es voll komisch hier. Wenn du nicht nach Amsterdam kommst, dann gibt es Schläge (auf süß natürlich). Der erste Brief an Dich ist schon in Arbeit und wird in Martinique abgeschickt. Wir denken ganz oft an Dich 🫀🫀 Dein Medic-Team 🫀


Nele: Ich vermiss‘ euch wirklich sehr, Weihnachtszeit ohne euch ist wirklich komisch. Esst mal ein paar gebrannte Mandeln für mich mit. Ich bin auch kaum seekrank geworden und hab gar nicht gekotzt😌 Hab‘ euch ganz dolle lieb und freu mich schon darauf, bald eure Stimmen zu hören❤️❤️ (Mama, ich hab‘ jetzt ganz ganz viele Sommersprossen🤓)

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Bye bye, Marokko

Schiff: Johnny
Datum: November 19.ter 2024
Position: Essaouira in Marokko 
Nautical Position: 30° 43,5’N 011° 31,7’W
Total distance: 2144 M

Heute sind wir wieder aus der Riad abgereist und losgefahren. Wir mussten direkt nach dem Frühstück unsere Zimmer leer räumen und haben unsere Taschen alle zusammengestellt.

Während ein paar heute noch ein letztes Mal surfen waren, hat der Rest ein letztes Mal Essaouira genossen. Dabei hieß es vor allem: Alles Geld, was noch im Geldbeutel ist, kann weg, denn Marokko hat eine eigene Währung und so schnell kommen wir ja alle nicht mehr dahin.

Nachmittags sind wir dann alle nach und nach mit neuen Lebensmittelvorräten wieder zur Johnny geshuttelt. Als alle an Bord waren, sind wir auch relativ schnell losgefahren und dem ersten wurde schon wieder etwas schlecht.

Ursprünglich war der Plan, die Segel zu setzen, aber es weht kein Wind und so sind wir jetzt mit dem Motor auf Kurs Richtung Teneriffa. Auch Jana startet motiviert in ihre erste Wache auf dieser Etappe.

Hier eine Prognose, wie oft wir auf dieser Etappe „Fische füttern“ werden:

Anna G.: ne

Helene: Ich hoffe nicht, realistisch 2 mal

Leonie: Keinmal, hoffe ich

Kathi: Ich hoffe gar nicht, aber denke, mir geht’s dreckig bis 2-3 mal

Maja: Null

Fynn: Null

Jana: Gar nicht, hoffe ich, aber 1-2 mal

Malte: Ich bin bei null, ich bleib bei null

Julius: Ich glaub nicht, ne

Flurina: 2 mal

Vera: Null mal

Julian: Null

Lea: Ich hoffe, es bleibt bei einem Mal

Daniela: Ich hoffe, null mal

Toni: Ich versuche, null mal

Anna L.: Ich denke, null mal

Benjamin: Ich muss nicht kotzen

Frieda: Ich hoffe nicht

Nele: Viermal, ich glaube, es wird aber mehr

Ella: Gar nicht

Olivia: Gar nicht

Paul: Null mal

Kyrill: Ich hab noch nie gekotzt, also werd ich nicht kotzen müssen

Juno: Null

Noam: Ich hoffe, null, denke null

Fridolin: Mir wird schlecht, aber ich werde es zurückhalten können, hoffe ich

Carlotta: Ich glaube, einmal

Elisabeth: Ich hoffe nicht, ich denke auch nicht


Grüße an die zwei netten Damen vom Teigkranzstand

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Girls Day

Datum: 18.11.2024
Position: Riad Chakir in Essaouira
Etmal: 0
Gesamte Distanz: 2038 nautische Seemeilen

Today was a really special day, because we separated our group into girls‘ and boys‘ groups, because of an event, which I will mention later in the blog.

Our day started with the delicious breakfast from the Riad, but sadly we didn’t get cocoa. Some of the boys were really sad, because they had been at another Riad the day before and they didn’t get cocoa there either, so they were really excited for breakfast with us, but it ended really sadly 🙁

Then the group got separated and we girls got time to strengthen ourselves with some food for a surf course, that we would join in the evening. We decided to eat pita bread with a delicious garlic cream. (Of course, the Nutella crêpe with strawberries couldn’t miss!)

Then the time came and we had to go to the beach. We were all really excited, because the weather was really great. Jakob told us in the morning that it should be 25 degrees. ☀️

Sadly, the waves weren’t so good, but we still had a very good time. 🏄‍♀️ Afterwards, we ate some little snacks to prepare us for the event that was planned. 🍪

The place we went to is called Hammam. The people from the Reggie already told us, that it was a big culture shock the time they went there, but they didn’t want to tell us more, so it could be a bigger surprise.

We talked a lot about what it could be and we imagined, that it might be like a hot spring or something like that. Some also got the idea, that we might get hit by sage sprigs.

But we were totally wrong. We all sat in bikinis (top is optional) in a tiled room. In the middle was a bucket of very warm water and we had an argan oil soap mixture called Savon Beldi and a rough glove. Then you could wash yourself (or be washed/rubbed by half-naked women) and use the glove to remove the dead skin cells, which stimulates the skin’s respiration and blood circulation.

At first, it was really strange, but once you got into it, some people found it really good. Because of the gloves, you had very smooth skin later.

Opinions of the Hammam:


👍: 9
soso: 1
👎: 1
Litti/Jana: Very „geil“ and relaxing
Ella: „Hammer!“
Fufu: „Kratzig“
Frida: Really relaxing


👍: 10
soso: /
👎: /
Noam/Paul: „geil“
Toni: „pornös“
Jacob: „seditativ“
Hannes: relaxing
Julius: „farmös“

After that, we ate dinner and had a very delicious tomato salad and enjoyed the last few hours without the boys. (Jana almost ate all of Frieda’s food because of her smooth skin.)


Litti: Hi Hans & Liz, hi Nine, it’s so great here you would love it. There is a lot of catcalling but it’s still okay. I miss you guys! Love you!

Nele: Mama, Papa in Marokko ist es mega schön, morgen geht’s nach Teneriffa, mal sehen, wie oft ich kotzen werde. Hanni, hier sind megaaaa viele Katzen, Du würdest es lieben. Ich vermiss‘ euch alle sehr und hab‘ euch sehr lieb❤️❤️

Jana: An Oma und Opa, ich hoffe, ihr habt euch mittlerweile gut eingelebt, hab‘ euch lieb.

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Safety first

Ship: Johnny
Date: 29.10.2024
Position: Biscay
Nautical Position: 44° 28.9’N, 009° 15.7’W
Etmal: 127nm
Total: 828nm

After we enjoyed breakfast and the sunrise, we had to complete the ‚Green List,‘ which means we had to clean the toilets and the mess room.

At 09:00, the lesson with Norbert for the port side group started again. Because we did a deep clean last time, we were a little behind the stubborn group and had to catch up a bit. We learned new things about the sails and Norbert explained how the different radio waves work and what we need to say when we are in a dangerous situation.

A little sneak peek into the galley today: We had very delicious banana cookies and mousse au chocolat. 🍪

We are sailing again! After a while under engine, we finally set the sails. After lunch, we all met at one p.m. and set the inner jib, the outer jib, the shoner, and the mainsail. Now we are making over nine knots just with the sails.

Safety is important!

Later, after tea time, Norbert showed us what we learned theoretically on deck and told us more about safety: What to do when there is a ‚man overboard,‘ how to secure everything in case of fire and what we need to do when we have to leave the ship.

The day ended with funny conversations and a beautiful sunset.

P.S.: We love sailing! ⛵️


Nele: Ich vermiss‘ euch ganz dolle❤️

Frieda: Ganz ganz liebe Grüße an Greta ❤️ ich hoffe, Du hattest einen ganz tollen Geburtstag 🎂 krass, dass Du jetzt einfach schon 14 bist. Ich habe Dich ganz doll lieb!

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