A day in the Galley

Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 21th of November 2024
Position: Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Geographical Position: 28°27.907N 016°14.703W
Etmal: 80nm
Total: 2091,2nm

Every day, there are three people working in the galley. The watch from 05:00 to 09:00 wakes up the galley-team at 07:00.

A new galley-day begins every morning with preparing breakfast. For breakfast, there is usually bread with toppings, porridge and yoghurt.

After breakfast there is always a big dishwashing session. Dishwashing takes between 15 to 30 minutes every day. When you’re on galley-duty, it is your most stressful day ever. There is always something to do: Cutting vegetables, cooking and testing eggs to see if they are still good.

For breakfast, lunch and dinner you have to serve the food.

After lunch, there is another round of dishwashing, which takes much longer than breakfast. It is not 15 to 30 minutes but rather 30 minutes to an hour. After cleaning the lunch dishes, you immediately start preparing dinner: Cutting vegetables, cooking and testing eggs again.

When dinner is ready, you serve the food and, of course, clean the dishes once more, which takes another 30 minutes to an hour. The last task of the day in the galley is cleaning everything, including the floor. Yesterday, we checked all our food stocks to see what we need to buy. This is hard and takes a lot of time because you have to check every storage area and count all the food supplies.

Cleaning the galley every evening is one of the most important tasks because if the galley is dirty, cockroaches can appear. In the worst case, they might spread to the mess room and the cabins. Please, no!

My personal opinion:

I love working in the galley and I often spend my free time there. When someone from the galley team is sick, I happily take over their job. However, it is very, very nerve-wracking.


Kaja: An meine Eltern: Ich werde mich nie wieder darüber beschweren, drei Töpfe abzuspülen. Diese drei Töpfe sind nichts im Gegensatz zum Geschirr von fast 50 Personen. Ich habe mich sehr über das Fotoalbum und die Briefe gefreut. Dankeschön. Ich hab‘ euch ganz ganz dolle lieb. Grüßt die Family von mir. Ich melde mich morgen. ❤️

Pepe: Liebe Familie, ich vermisse euch sehr, insbesondere Dich Mama. Ich liebe euch 🙂 Ich hoffe, meine zwei Briefe sind schon bei euch angekommen und ich habe eure Briefe bekommen. Es war wirklich herzbewegend und vielen Dank für die netten Worte. Ich freue mich schon auf morgen und fühlt euch gedrückt. Ich liebe euch und vermisse euch! Mir geht es gut und ich passe auf mich auf!!
Und auch liebe Grüße aus Teneriffa an Oma und Opa! P.S.: Ich habe euren Brief bekommen 🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Max: Sali Family, Oma und Paul, vielen Dank für eure Briefe, freue mich immer riesig. Anna, Lotta, ich wusste gar nicht, dass eine Brieffreundschaft so schnell entsteht. 😂

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