Costa Rica!

Ship: Johnny
Datum: 10.01.2025
Position: Bocas Del Toro
Nautische Position: 09 Grad 34,6’N / 82 Grad 24,1’W

Today was the last day on board the Johnny before Costa Rica. It was a hard day. Before breakfast, we anchored and then after breakfast, the stress began.

First, we had to pack the sails. I personally was on galley duty and because we cleaned the galley in the afternoon, we weren’t allowed to cook after lunch. So we had to make lunch and dinner in the morning.

We had curry with rice for lunch and noodle salad for dinner. But it was very challenging to make the salad because we didn’t have fresh vegetables anymore (except for some carrots) and the only thing we had that wasn’t fresh were frozen vegetables that we used for the curry and peas. So we prepared noodle salad with carrots, peas, and some “Wiener Würstchen.”

After lunch, the final cleaning session began. Some cleaned the deck, some the galley and some the chambers. We had to clean everything (even the walls). The plan was to have tea time at half past three, but finally, it was six o’clock when we put the water and honey melons that Jacob and the others, who were on land for the check-in in Panama, had brought on the tables.

In the evening, before dinner, we were allowed to go swimming in the water. Then it was dinner time and we had to prepare bread for breakfast tomorrow, which we’re going to eat on the bus.


Helene: Ich hoffe, ihr hattet alle einen guten Start ins neue Jahr, ich vermisse euch und wir hören uns bald!<3 Und Freddy alles alles Gute zum Geburtstag 🎂🥳❤️!!! Fühl dich umarmt und Feier gut, Busserl (bitte weiterleiten)

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