Let’s appreciate

Date: 10.03.2024
Position: Saint George’s, Bermuda
Etmal: 0 nm
Total: 8585 nm
Ship: Regina Maris

During our time in Costa Rica we got a lot of new impressions and got to know many people. For example our surf teacher Miguel. He was a great teacher and every time, before we started surfing, he reminded us to be thankful for the opportunity to surf and said: “let’s appreciate the wind, the waves and that we can surf today.”

It was a great moment each time, because you stopped for a second with your thoughts or whatever was running through your mind and recognized the distinctiveness of the moment.

Being thankful for flying around

The word „appreciate“ reappeared many times in Costa Rica as well as within our voyage so far. Like this, it became a kind of motto for this trip, especially because with the time on board, some things are getting „normal“. For example being on watch.

The Things We Love

At the moment I’m in Charlie morning watch, meaning, I have watch from 05:00 – 09:00 in the morning. Sometimes it’s hard getting woken up that early and making myself ready for watch with a torch and a heeling of 10-20 degrees. Imagine being right out of bed, groggy and flying around in a small cabin, full of all kinds of shoes, trying to find yours and getting everything together.

Like this some mornings are more annoying than nice, so it’s important to remind yourself to appreciate the morning, the stars, the sunrise and the waves.

Don’t be objective

When it comes to appreciating things in life, don’t forget to appreciate others around you. At so many points, we see the stars, the sunrise and the waves, but not directly our friends, carrying us through hard times, laughing with us about so many things and supporting us at any time.

Schüler auf Bermuda

Whilst this voyage I tried to speak out my mind more often and tell people that I am thankful to be with them and that I enjoy the time we are spending together. These moments made many friendships on board growing stronger and I think we all feel more comfortable if somebody is telling us that they appreciate to be with us. Isn’t it?

Real life is calling

At some points there are things you have to learn to appreciate or to appreciate them more. For example being able to shower every three days or having a functional toilet flushing sometimes 🙂 and spending time together without our phones.

Especially the point with the phones makes life on board more enjoyable and real. Otherwise, having your phone after six weeks for some hours is nice as well. The first time after a long time talking to your family and friends. Sometimes it might be difficult because at home, life is going on. But, all in all, some rare moments with the phone and a lot without are great and help to recognize the things to appreciate more on board and in life.

What happened today?

Today was a relaxed day, we got our phones and some hours to call home. We had lunch on board and afterwards we had different things to do. Some students went back to town, some stayed on the pier to talk with their family and others helped on board, repairing things. It was a „slower“ day and it’s also nice sometimes to not have program the whole day and more space to do what you feel like.


Jule: Happy Birthday Melanie, hab‘ einen tollen Geburtstag! 🥳 (und natürlich auch Grüße nach Hause :))

Ella: Herzlichen Glückwunsch Mami, alles Gute 😉

Onno: Herzlichen Glückwunsch Alois!

Max: Vielen Dank für die Telefonate, bald sehen wir uns wieder😉

Aurelia: Weil ich weiß, dass Jascha sich auch selber grüßen würde, Jascha grüßt Jascha!

Und Johanna grüßt sich selber 😅

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