Life in the Jungle

Date: 10.02.2024
Ship: Pelican of London
Position: Ditsowou Lodge Costa Rica
Etmal: 0nm
Total: 5098nm

Today we went to the jungle and helped the Bri Bri (the name of the indigenous tribe) who have been living here in the deep jungle for many years. When we arrived, we were truly impressed by the animals, flowers and plants here. You can see the coco-trees with their big fruits/nuts on them. Also, you can see other trees or plants that grow fruits we can buy in Germany, for example: Coconuts, star-fruits and bananas.

The Bri Bri are used to live in the jungle, but for us it’s completely new. We normally don’t have problems with heat, ticks and other poisonous animals. The days here are very hot, dry and exhausting. However, it also brings good things, for example: Stunning sunrises and sunsets and the river is warm enough to go swimming.

Clearing paths and river swimming

The day in general was very nice because we did some things for the Bri Bri. For example, we cleared a path from up here down to the water and put some sand on it, which we got from the other side of the river. After we finished we went back to the lodge and ate lunch.

Then our teachers told us that we are going to swim in the river, which everyone enjoyed because there was a rope hanging from a tree.

Gruppenbild Ocean College im Dschungel

P.S.: Hello ihr Sudis mal wieder.

Das Frederich meldet sich aus dem tiefsten Dschungel, ich vermisse euch natürlich sehr und deshalb ist es auch so schlimm, hier kein Netz zu haben, aber naja, man kann ja nicht alles haben. Ich rufe euch an, sobald ich wieder Netz habe, ich freue mich auf euch, euer Fredi

P.P.S.: Naaaaa ihr, wie geht’s euch so im Kalten ? Naja wir haben hier gute 26° und Sonne und die Nächte sind fast nicht auszuhalten. Aber egal ich vermisse euch natürlich sehr und freue mich schon auf euch im Frühjahr. Ben

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