Our cook Rainer

Date: 15th of February .2024
Geographical Position: 15°59.0′ N 81°45.6′ W
Etmal: 129 nm
Total: 6825 nm
Ship: Regina Maris

After our old cook Jürgen left us in Aruba a couple of weeks ago we had to cook by ourselves for some days. But now, after the three weeks in Costa Rica, Rainer is our new cook on board. Last week he already prepared many tasty meals for us.


Rainer was born in Leipzig. Later, he was chef there in different hotels and restaurants. Also, he worked as a cook on a Unique-Katamaran, which just exists six times in the whole world and is still cooking at different events in Germany and Greece and for many years he worked in Munich in some restaurants too.

Der neue Koch Rainer.

But why the Reggie?

He entered the Reggie because he saw this wonderful and amazing ship for the first time during the „Kieler Woche“ where he met the owners Uschi and Martin. There he prepared a delicious meal for them and so they recommended Rainer for our journey. He will stay with us until Amsterdam. So far, we have a very positive impression of him.

I think Rainer is a competent cook and he can manage the kitchen. His food is always delicious and so far, we all liked what he cooked. I am excited for the last two months with him and I’m sure it will be a great time with good meals.


Today was just a normal day at sea. The only special event was: Max and Lasse, our professional fishing duo, caught a fish. Just a small tuna, but they are really proud of it. Rainer already prepared the fish for dinner and we all were really impressed. Except for that we exchanged one sail because it was ripped and had a physics lesson in school.

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