Three months over

Schiff: Pelican of London
Datum: 21.01.2024
Autor: Lenka
Nautische Position: 1804,8‘N/ 06305,6‘W
Etmal: 0 nm
Total: 5089 nm

Now we are at the point where we almost crossed the three months line. Tomorrow it’s exactly three months because we started our journey at the 22.10.2023 and tomorrow is the 22.01.2024. I was wondering how everyone around me is feeling right now. So I decided to do some interviews.

How would you describe your last three months?
How are you looking back?

Klara: The last three months were full with new experiences and new things I learned about myself and others. I had a lot of fun but there were also some hard moments.

Anna B.: A lot of things happened but on the other side it didn’t feel like three months at all.

Charlotte: It was a really great time I made new friends. I was exploring the world.

Ole: Good.

Grit: It’s crazy girl time.

Marie: I would describe the last three months as very adventurous. We’ve grown as a group together and I think this is the most important achievement.

Falki: I really enjoyed the last three months even though they were times were it didn’t felt that good for example seesickniss. But it was a great time and I will probably remember it for a long time.

Do you think some things are different now? For example homesickness…?

Klara: A lot has changed, but I don’t know how to describe it.

Grit: I’ve noticed some changes about myself. I would say I’m different now. But like not in a bad way.

Anna B.: Yes. I think I’ve changed.

Charlotte: I think Homesickness is worse, because the half is through.

Nele: I have the feeling that our journey was only two weeks so far. It feels like yesterday we were in Lisbon and Marokko.

Rosalie: I think a lot of people found their friends and have there save space. I think we all get along really well but of course it’s not always good. I think the vibe is different now. We all have something that connects us.
We all get along better now since we worked so much together.

Marie: I think I’m looking different on things at home then before and I think I’m more grateful about the things at home. The journey is showing me what I’m actually missing, which sometimes is really hard with homesickness for example, but in the end a good thing.

Jonathan: First of all I would say that I am very sad that three Months are already over I would not say that I have homesickness, and I never really had. But I would say I have learned so much over the last three Months about me and I am excited to learn more also about the others.

Are you exited for the next three months?

Klara: Very excited. I’m very looking forward to Casta Rica and I hope our ship won’t break again and we can just go on with our route.

Grit: I’m very excited because I know that I’m never going to experience something like this again.

Anna B: Yes I am very excited but three months are a long time.

Nele: Yes I am.

Rosalie: Definitely yes. I’m very excited to go selling again and not being on Land, because we had a lot of time on land. I’m excited to have my phone again. I really enjoyed everything. We’ve experienced so much together and it only can get better

Falki: Of course I am excited for the next three months. I’m looking forward to the language school and the second Atlantic crossing it’s going to be fun.

Do you have some other thoughts about this Subject, that you want to share?

Anna B.: I’m looking forward to be home again because I miss my everyday life.
Love you

Grit: I love you Mama and I miss you.

Klara: it’s confusing me that three months are over. Because on one hand it feels like we met yesterday and on the other hand it could also been my whole life because we experienced so much together we’ve been through so much.

About the day

Today we had a fun, cool but mostly chill day. We ate breakfast really late and after that we had some time for us. Some of us were going into the pool, read some books or did anything they want to.

A few of us went to the grocery store to prepare everything for the evening. After that we walked to another Beach, we’re mostly the locals are going bathing. We had a great time going swimming.

The rib came to bring us some of our laundry and food. We had our little Picknick at the beach and the opportunity to do a free shore leave. At 18’ clock we all meet at the pool to get the newest information: Tomorrow we are going back to the Pelican.

Dinner in the “Zimmer”

Our Watchleaders came up with the great idea to all eat Dinner in the “ Zimmer”. In the morning some of us went to buy groceries to prepare everything for the evening. The day before we made up Cooking Teams and came up with ideas for dinner.

We all split up in groups, in different rooms. So they were a lot of different dinners. In the evening everyone started cooking and it was a really cool idea. We all enjoyed to finally cook again or even have the opportunity to decide what we want to eat.

Like we all noticed the three months went over on one hand really fast and it feels like we’ve just been here for three weeks, but on the other hand we’ve been through so much and experiencing so much together. It’s an overwhelming feeling, but I think we can all say how grateful we are to be here and just have this opportunity.

We’re really excited for the next three months and looking forward to all of the plan changes that are “definitely” going to come.

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