We are looking forward to Costa Rica

Date: 03.01.2024
Location: Santa Marta, Colombia
Etmal: 0 nm
Total: 5776 nm
Ship: Regina Maris

Now that we are in Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica are just a very few seamiles away. Costa Rica is one of the biggest events on the voyage, so we are all looking forward to many great adventures. Because I think that you as parents or friends of our participants would very much like to know what some of us are really looking forward to and how we feel about arriving at our biggest stop before we start our journey back home, I interviewed some people.

How do you feel about being onshore for almost one whole month?

Margaux: I’m very excited to be on land for this long again and I feel sad to leave the ship.

Anna: I’m happy that my plate and glass won’t move away from me anymore while I am eating a meal. It’s hard to imagine that we won’t see the Reggie for a whole month.

Aurelius: It’s going to be funny to drive in things like cars or buses again because after two and a half months of being on a rolling ship, it will be hard to get used to that again.

What do you think you will miss most about being on a sailing ship?

Margaux: I think I will really miss the crew and the daily routine on a sailing vessel. And of course, the teachers.

Anna: Definitely not the watch system because it separates me from some of my friends and when we are in Costa Rica we can all be together in a bigger group.

Aurelius: My daily bread baking with Luis and Kilian in the mess room because on land there won’t be a possibility or time for me to bake bread for everybody.

What do you think will be the biggest difference between here and being on land?

Margaux: I won’t have my cabin mates with me when I get ready to sleep or when I’m waking up in the morning. I’m really going to miss that.

Anna: The food. I hope it will be more variable and that there will be more chances and possibilities to decide on our own what we want to cook.

Aurelius: My biggest hope is that there will be air conditioning or at least ventilators in our new accommodation.

Do you think it will be different to have your phone for a relatively long time again?

Margaux: Yes, because then I can call my family and friends at home anytime I want or have internet to do so.

Anna: Just in some cases. For example, I can take photos anytime I want, but I think I won’t use it more in any other way.

Aurelius: I don’t use my phone that much anyway at home, so there won’t be a big difference in the circumstances on board right now.

All in all, I think that the time in Costa Rica will bring us all closer together because the groups won’t be that split anymore. In my opinion, Costa Rica is going to be one of the most intense times we will have on this journey with many new experiences and adventures. I think I can speak for everybody when I say that Costa Rica is going to be one of the coolest times we’re going to have in our entire life.

P.S.: Lasse: Frohes Neues Jahr

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