A Journey of Feelings

Date: 05.01.2024
Ship: Pelican of London
Nautical Position: 16°50.5‘N 036°29.1’W
Geographical Position: Somewhere in the Atlantic
Etmal: 315 sm
Total: 3543 sm


Since coming on board of the Pelican two and a half months ago, our lives have changed a lot. Especially the everyday life on this journey is very different in comparison to home.

Of course, there is the obvious: We live with three to five other people in our age in the same room with very limited space, and we practically live out of a box under our bed and a shelf, where we need to have all our personal stuff, school things, and clothes, etc.

Also, as most of you know, we have a very different rhythm than at home with watches, sail handling, school, free learning time…

The Ship’s Routine

Today, for example, my day „started“ at 23:30 by getting woken up for my 00:00-04:00 watch. After the watch, I was able to go to sleep again to be well-rested for the morning meeting at 11:30 and for lunch afterward.

Today we also had a math lesson with Tobi and free learning time that I used for working on things for my school at home before having dinner. As you see, we have a very strict routine we need to keep up with.

The decisions, when you have to be where, are made for us, and it’s important that everyone can rely on the other side to ensure that everyone will get enough sleep. That is very important for the system to work with 50 people on board.

Freedom and Personal Space

While it is sometimes a scary feeling not being able to make a lot of own decisions and needing to adapt to all the changes of the routine since leaving home, etc., I personally have a very strong feeling of freedom since the journey with Ocean College started.

Especially since we started the first Atlantic crossing a week ago, that feeling is much more intense with nothing but water around us.

These people here became very important to me (most of all, Anna Boom ;)) in the short time we have been on this journey and still there are some moments when I would rather be alone or have a personal conversation instead of sharing literally everything with all of them.

And then I have to come to the realization that there sometimes is no place to be alone or have a moment for myself. Of course, that is a big challenge but it also makes me realize what privileges I enjoy at home every day.

Even though it might not seem like it right now, I think I can speak for the very most of us when I say that we have the best time of our lives and enjoy every day of this crazy experience. Of course, there are still moments where you wish you would have more personal space or could make more decisions on your own, but I like to see it as part of this journey.

Free Climbing

Right now, we are all looking forward to getting permission to go free climbing without any of the professional crew having to be up on the yards and platforms with us. The first of us got it today which was really exciting because it also means that we have a little bit more personal space, for example, to enjoy the silence up there or talk while being on the platforms.

Today’s Haircut-Reveal!

The next person who got a new haircut is …Erik! He got a mullet, but he will tell the story to that in the following. And now a small interview with him:

Why did you decide to get this haircut?

“First, I wanted a buzzcut too, but then people started doing experiments with my hair, and I ended up with a mullet :)”

Do you like it? “It’s different, and it’s better than my old haircut, so that’s something. “

What do you want to tell the people at home? “Well, the hair is gone now. Love you all and miss you <3”

PS: Liebe Grüße an alle, die uncooler Weise gerade nicht aufm Atlantik chillen, von der allerbesten 00:00-04:00 Watch – Erik, Karl, Liane, Teresa, Rosalie, Gritti, Luise (und Annaboom) ~ Main B Watch <3

Liebe Grüße an meine Mama, an meinen Papa, an meine Schwester, an meinen Bruder, an Opa, Oma und Oma, an Schnucki, an die Kaniggels und an Richi. ~ Rosi

Viele liebe Grüße an Mama, Papa, Tim, Oma und Opa und alle, die ich vergessen hab‘. Ich hab‘ grad 4h Watch hinter mir und noch 8 vor mir, upsi. Warum ich des mach weiß au net, aber des wird bestimmt lustig. Hab‘ euch lieb <3 ~ Anna B

Ganz liebe Grüße an Mama, Papa, Theo und alle anderen von zuhause, die das hier lesen (vor allem Zö und Elli natürlich <3). Ich hoffe ihr hattet einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr, hab‘ euch lieb ~ Gritti

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