Jakob, Jay or Dr. Jay

Date: 05.01.2024
Geographical Position: 11°15.8′ N 74°69.0′ W
Etmal: 48 nm
Total: 5824 nm
Ship: Regina Maris

In the past 2 1/2 months we had 1 bosun, 1 cook, 2 engineers, 2 captains, 4 officiers and 3 medics. Yesterday the fourth medic Jay arrived. If you wonder now who this new person on board is, don’t worry, because in this daily report you will learn more about him.

Entering his moms footsteps

Jakob, how he’s officially called, was born in 1998 by his mom Nicole who was our first medic on board. He grew up in Augsburg where he had five cats who he left a few years ago because he moved to Heidelberg where he now studies medicine. He was and still is motivated for his job by the thought of working with people. Jay loves that every day is different and exciting and is impressed by the opportunities he gets throughout his job like Ocean College.

Jakob, Jay or Dr. Jay

Talking about Ocean College, some of you might have already read about him in last years daily reports, because like the rest of our nautical crew he was part of Ocean College 22/23 on the Regina Maris. There he also got his new name: Dr. Jay. Let me tell you the story behind this name. On last year’s journey there was a teacher called Jakob, an officer called Jakob and the medic called Jakob. Since everybody had to know which Jakob is meant they started calling the medic Dr. Jay. (The name is too formal for us so we just call him Jay).

Story over story

But not only the story about his name is funny, also the story how he came on board is quite nice. They still needed a medic from Panama to Cuba and since he’s in a ship doctors forum he got an SMS by Johan in which he got asked if he wants to join Ocean College. Jay thought about this really cool project where a lot of motivated students are and answered the SMS . Two days later he entered the Regina Maris for the first time.

Time of his life

What he was looking forward to came true. The students were great and he really enjoyed swimming in a beautiful bay in front of the coast of Panama whilst in Germany snow is falling. So now he’s back joining us from Columbia to Costa Rica! There he will be a leader of one of our expedition groups and responsible for us when our teachers are on holidays. We all are looking forward to Costa Rica and all the insane experiences we’ll make there.

Busy, busy, busy

But off course he’s not only here for fun, he also has a job to do, what we showed him right after his arrival telling him about all the injuries we had over the past months. We talked a lot with him and than we made him a big sudden present with another visit in the hospital due to an injury with Kris.

Working in the chill out time

Before the incident we learned a lot about him and his life. So now we know that he loves to do sports like six weeks kayaking in Finland or paragliding. After doing sports he watches Netflix with his flatmate and their cat.

But chilling isn’t always working out for him. So he told us about this one time in the train where a man fainted because he had drunk to much alcohol and because Jay is studying medicine the nice chilling in the train ended up with him being a hero.

I think everybody on board is really looking forward to the time we’ll spend with Jay and having one cool person more on board. Also he already took care of our problems and listened to us which we all really appreciate.

P.S.: Luisa: Danke an alle für die Briefe! Ich freu‘ mich schon mit euch in Costa Rica endlich mal richtig telefonieren zu können.

Kris: Mir gehts super, macht euch keine Sorgen. Hab‘ euch lieb, vermisse euch!

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