
Ship: Regina Maris
Date: 3rd of December 2024
Position: Mindelo, Cape Verdes
Geographical Position: 16°52.831N 024°59.822W
Etmal: 0nm
Total: 2986nm

Today we had a beach day. We started the day with a morning swim and after that we said goodbye to Jimmy (Przemek). 💔

It was very sad because he was a very good officer and a really nice person, he is very funny and entertaining!
But now we have Arne on board and he is also really cool. He’s from Flensburg, but lives aboard a ship in Denmark. Normally he is working on the Danish tall ship Fylla, but now he’ll stay with us until the Azores.

Never mind, after we said goodbye we went to the beach and had fun with the guys from the Johnny. The water was so turquoise and all of us had a great time there, doing sports, swimming or sunbathing.

For example, there was a legendary spike ball match: Strate and Sali vs. Maxim and Kaspar. Strate and Sali won 3:2 in total and their prize was some hair color. Personally I get along very well with Benjamin from the Johnny. The saddest part about that is, that I regularly need to say goodbye to Benni. 🥲

Let’s continue… after the beach time we had “free shore leave” and we went in groups of six people. We then walked around and looked for Christmas gifts, also for our secret Santa, which we do with the whole crew.

In the meantime the science-pathway cleaned a small beach and after that we went back to the ship.

Yesterday Strate tried to give me a buzz cut but unfortunately we didn’t have a trimmer. So we got some scissors and cut off my hair…but it didn’t work out like we wanted.

Today, I went to the barber shop with Hannes, Kaspar and Maxim and got my hair fixed (now it looks so good. I’m sorry Mama). So, now I have a clean buzz cut just like Strate, Fränzel and Timo. Hannes, Kasper and Maxim got their mullets trimmed, which are now looking very sexy. 🔥

All in all, it was a very nice day and that’s everything for now. Again I’m sorry Mama. ❤️

Have a good watch!


Sophia: Mama, Julian, die Chronos liegt neben uns auf Anker. 🥳 Danke vielmals an alle für die Briefe, habe mich wieder riesig gefreut.😘😘😘 Hab‘ euch alle ganz dolle lieb, Kuss.

Johannes: Vielen Dank für die ganzen Briefe. Ganz viel Spaß euch beim Advent singen und ich habe mich natürlich besonders über den Brief von Ecki gefreut. Hab‘ euch echt lieb❤️ P.S.: Danke an euch Jungs für den geilen Brief! Habe mich echt riesig gefreut und vermisse euch sehr! Bis Weihnachten!

Ella: Danke für all eure Briefe. Ich habe mich sehr, sehr doll gefreut.
Sophie, dankeschön für Dein tolles Adventskalendergeschenk. Das kleine Fotobuch ist toll. ❤️ Oma und Opa, vielen Dank für das vorträgliche Weihnachtsgeschenk 💕

Max: Grüße von der Ersatzschwester zurück! 😘 (Sophia) Vielen Dank wieder für eure tollen Briefe, ich wusste gar nicht, dass Lotta so eine krasse Dichterin ist. Übrigens, ich würde gerne am Sommercamp teilnehmen.

Christian: Yoooo so funktioniert das also, ich grüße euch alle, ganz vielen Dank an euch für den Brief Mama und Papa!!

Nuala: Vielen vielen Dank für die Briefe !! Mama, ich hoffe Du hast in dein Email-Postfach geschaut seit dem Handy-Tag. Ganz ganz gute Besserung und liebe Grüße an alle, hab‘ euch ganz doll lieb!!❤️❤️❤️

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