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Datum: 14.02.2024
Schiff: Pelican of London
Position: Bocas del Torro
Etmal: 0
Total: 5089 nm

The first day back on board

Today we had our first full day back on board of our swimming home the Pelican of London. We have new cabins, new watches and also some new crew! Our medic, Claire, from the very beginning is back. Also Margo will join us tomorrow morning. Janice is our bosun now and Jih is her mate. Ali, our 1st mate will stay with us until the Azores. Now to the new cabins and watches:

Fore Watch (A): Fore Watch (B):

Rosalie Paulina
Teresa Falk
Ben Lena
Karl Friedrich
Grit Greta

Main Watch (A): Main Watch (B):

Julius Jonathan
Ole Leah
Eva Emma
Sophie Karoline
Lenka Philipp

Mizzen Watch (A): Mizzen Watch (B):

Klara Charlotte
Erik Anna B.
Freddy Philina
Liane Noé
Anna L. Nele

Cabin 6: Philipp, Freddy, Jonathan, Ben, Erik und Falk

Cabin 7: Julius, Friedrich, Noé, Samuel, Karl und Ole

Cabin 8: Greta, Teresa, Anna B., Paulina, Eva und Emma

Cabin 9: Klara, Nele, Lenka, Lena, Karoline und Philina

Cabin 10: Liane, Anna L., Rosalie und Grit

Cabin 11a: Leah, Charlotte, Lou und die Sophie

Now you all know how the new Cabins and watches look like, but in my opinion the more interesting thing is how the people like their new place to live and the watches they are in.

The question is: “How do you like your new watch and cabin?”

Leah (Cabin 11a, Main (B)):

“I really like my watch because I have people of my friend group with me and my Cabin is ok, I would enjoy to have my own bathroom”

Ben (Cabin 6, Fore (A)):

“I like my new Cabin because Fred is in it and last time I had a very open bunk which was every time we got woken up the light was in my face but now I’m very happy with my bunk 😁😁. My watch is also great.”

Anna B. (Cabin 8, Mizzen (B)):

“I like my cabin because I like the people who are with me and my bed is really comfy with lots of pictures. My watch is much better than before but also a little bit random.”

Julius (Cabin 7, Main (A)):

“I like my new cabin, because my new bunk is better then my last one. The watch is better, because we are six people now and not five anymore, but it is also super random.

In my opinion the watches are also random and somehow they don‘t really make sense. My cabin is ok but I don‘t have Philipp in it anymore…that’s so sad. My bunk is bigger now and that’s really great, I love it.

Later the day

After tidying our new bunks and cabins we were brought ashore. Bocas del Toro is a little town in Panama. It has one street with bars, restaurants and some surf shops but not much more. I ate a very delicious Pad Thai in an Asian cuisine. At 6pm we were brought back to the ship.

Welcome home!

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