Our last watches (in Biscay)

Datum: 28.04.2024
Nautische Position: 44°16‘4 N 007°37‘2 W
Geographische Position: Biskaya
Total: 12594
Etmal: 151

For all of us it’s a weird time having our last watches now. Some are already starting to pack and you still see a lot of people sitting in the messroom writing letters.

About today

Today was a normal day at sea. Because of new crew joining in Vigo we did a fire drill and we as handover Watchleaders, still leading our watches, had to help with the fire hoses. There wasn’t anything special otherwise today except for the Murdergame officially starting.

Biscay but different

I think everyone knows how our first time in Biscay was: Cloudy, high swell, almost everyone seasick. Yeah, it was a crazy time. Now we experience Biscay differently, we have quite the contrast to our other journey through here. The biggest difference: We’re not seasick anymore, we got used to the high swell of the North Atlantic.

But there’s also not much swell at the moment, maybe around 1-1,5 metres and the sun is shining brightly. On watch we also now always have good mood, music is playing or shanty’s are being sung. We also always have land, Spain, in sight.
The wind is forecasted to come around more westerly tomorrow, so maybe we will be able to shut off the engine for a bit and sail for one last time.

Shanty practicing

Like I said, shanty’s will be sung on watch. Tamsin encouraged us to train for our arrival in Bordeaux, so we will practice, at least in my watch.

Our last watches – how does it feel like?

For myself it’s feeling very weird to say „guys, this was our last 08:00 – 12:30 watch“ and I think I’m not the only one feeling like this. The watches seem to be cherishing every moment. So how are the others feeling about it?

Gritti: „I think I don’t really realize that this is the end. Everything feels normal when you go on watch and helm etc. and then you remember that it is our last days here. So we try to enjoy every moment :))!“

Schlotti: „I really enjoy the last watches. We had a lot of fun and try to make the best out of the situation. But of course it is really sad. Everything is funny about it. If it is Sailhandling or listening to music or just talking. I will miss my watch.“

Greta: „For me it feels like Gritti already wrote. I just can’t realize that it’s the last watches, so this fact will hit maybe in the very last sailing day. But the watches at the moment are very good, because we have a really chill swell and a lot of sunshine. So we have perfect last sailing days, which is very nice!“

Julius: „I had Galley so….. no last Watch with Gonzo :-(„

Teresa: „I try to not think about it, but in the back of my brain I know that the last watches already began. When I’m thinking about it, it makes me really sad. So I try to ignore the fact that we’re going home soon.“

P.S: Hallo, könnte vielleicht wenigstens Elise mit nach Bordeaux kommen? LG Friedrich 🙃

P.P.S: Hallihallo Moritz, ich wünsche Dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag und hoffe, Du hattest einen wunderschönen Tag mit einer toller Feier! Wir sehen uns in ein paar Tagen, bis dann, Grit 🙂

P.P.P.S.: Hallo Mama und Papa, könnt ihr mir vielleicht mein Lieblingskissen, Sprudelwasser und geile Snacks für die Autofahrt mitbringen? :)) Ich freue mich gaaanz dolle auf euch und alle anderen zuhause, hab‘ euch lieb, Gritti <3

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