What happened till now and how it will go on

Date: 29.03.2024
Nautical position: 3643‘9N 05615‘6W
Geographical Position: North Atlantic
Etmal: 119
Total: 9696

Our experience on Ocean College until now

The time till now was unreal, it was awesome to be part in such a stunning event. The crew/-my friends are all so kind and always there when I need them. The journey is so different than anything I’ve done till the start of Ocean College. It‘s obvious that almost nothing went as planned, but that was what they told us in the beginning in Sharpness. They told us that on a ship plans change all the time. And in the end this was the reason we visited Lissabon and Marokko 🇲🇦.

By the way, one week before we went to Marokko, mine and Fred’s favourite YouTubers (Freerunning-schlappen) where there and posted an insane parcour video. Till now my favourite stops were Marokko because I love the culture, the people and the food there and also Bermuda because I was impressed by the politeness of the people there, but also the country by itself was absolutely beautiful 🤩.

The cooks on board till now

The cooking on board is interesting because we now had multiple cook changes so we know who did the best. I won’t tell you who was the best because that’s not nice and also I couldn‘t tell you because it always depends on the talent and the effort you put in there but I can tell you that Margo for example sometimes makes the most complicated food and then for sure Galley duty is no fun for anybody because it‘s only one big hustle.

But Margo is still a very nice person, also she was one member of the crew who where with us the longest period of time (that’s the reason why I mention her in this report).

My thoughts about the journey

I think I can say that we went through so much in this Ocean College journey that nothing can really surprise us anymore. And that’s good I would say because no matter what will happen in the future, we only can be surprised by positive things like wonderful views of landscapes or delicious food and nice people.

Our goal!

I chose this topic because I want to convince or motivate people to do something like this journey even if they think it‘s impossible for them. It’s something you only experience once in your life but it’s never to late to do it. And you don’t need a lot of money for this, I can assure you that. When you search enough you will find something like Ocean College.

P.S. Liebe Emi, ich hoffe, das Trainingslager ist nicht zu schlimm. Ich würd‘ voll gerne bei Dir sein und das Gleiche wie letztes Jahr machen… Nächstes Jahr wieder. Sei‘ nicht zu traurig und wenn, hör‘ dir „Good Grief“ an. Dann bin ich bei Dir… bald bin ich wieder bei Dir. Hab‘ Dich ganz dolle lieb❤️ ~Charlotte

P.P.S.: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag 🎉🎂. Ich hab‘ Dich ganz dolle lieb und hoffe, Du hattest einen richtig guten Tag und Felix und Papa haben Dir was schönes geschenkt. Ich ruf‘ Dich an, sobald ich kann. – Deine Sophie ❤️

P.P.P.S.: Halli Hallöchen, wie geht’s daheim denn so? Also hier ist alles super und alle sind gut gelaunt, tatsächlich ist es sehr kalt geworden, wir haben jetzt 18,3 C°, im Vergleich sehr kalt, aber naja, ich freu‘ mich schon, euch wieder zu sehen und natürlich auch auf unser Zuhause 🙂. Wenn wir auf den Azoren sind, können wir ja nochmal kurz telefonieren und dann sind es ja jetzt auch nur noch wenige Tage auf dem Schiff😭😳. Freue mich schon auf euch . Euer Ben

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