Special food on Pelican

Datum: 12.04.2024
Nautical Position: 40°56’6N, 024°20‘1W
Geographical Position: North Atlantic
Etmal: 181nm

Today, or nice galleyteam made Sushi! They worked hard the whole day and even the night before to make Sushi for 46 people. That leads me to the topic of this daily report: Special Food on the Pelican of London. We all have to live without some of our favourite foods, like burger or sushi, due to that the galleypeople doesn’t have time to make special food for all of us.

That is why we mostly eat pasta or rice with sauces like chilli or tomato. Especially when we have a lot of swell, the galleyteam keeps the food simple, so there work is less stressful. But sometimes they have time and energy to make something special like today.

Who chooses the food for dinner?

At the beginning of the journey the cook mostly decides what we are going to eat for dinner or lunch. The reason for that was that the PC didn’t know our skills in the galley. Now the cook asks us what we want to cook. In the end however, the time and the drystore decide what we can make.

Dessert on the Pelican

Usually, the galleteam makes dessert for us every day. That could be ice cream, cake or just cookies. For me the dessert is always the best food of the day because it is always nice. When we have a birthday, instead of dessert we get a slice of birthday cake – the biggest one goes to the one who has birthday. The birthday child can also choose what cake they want (mostly Chocolate Cake).

About the day

Today is the second day of the handovers from course Watch and apart from a beautiful flat sea, unfortunately no swim stop (Captain Karl said yes, we were to scared to ask Chris, he was sleeping and as he got up the swell was already to big) and the usual routine, nothing really happened. We are all enjoying our final weeks without school with sleeping, being on watch and socializing with our friends.

P.S.: Thanks to the galley for the sushi! You did a really AMAZING job today, Schatzis!

P.P.S.: Hola Selmiii, alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstaaag. Ich hoff‘, Du hast schön gefeiert und hattest auch ohne mich nen schönen Tag :). Wenn ich wieder da bin, müssen wir unbedingt nachfeiern. Hab‘ Dich ganz dolle lieb <3 Deine Anniii

P.P.P.S. Liebe Grüße nach Hause 😉 ~ Julius

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