
A lot happened

Date: 07.04.2024
Position: Horta, Azores
Etmal: 0 nm
Total: 10496 nm
Ship: Regina Maris

Time flies by so fast

Wow, how is it possible that time flies by so fast? How has it already been half a year since we hugged our parents, siblings and friends for the last time? How is it possible that our beautiful voyage only started half a year ago? How is it possible, that it will end in two weeks?

Crazy what can happen in just six months, we experienced so much, from the incredible feeling of only seeing water for two weeks straight, to the poor people in the Cape Verde’s, the huge trees in Costa Rica, seasickness and always being around people that are just as crazy as you are.

I think, if you haven’t done the voyage yourself, it’s just impossible to understand what’s going on in our minds. No matter what you did in our life, it will always be different.

So, dear parents, siblings and friends, to prepare you for what’s gonna happen when we’re back, what stays and what doesn’t, I write this daily report.

Beide Schüler:innencrews 23/24 zusammen auf den Azoren.

What’s gonna happen when we’re back

At first, we probably wont speak a lot in the first days, we are busy getting the sleep we missed the last half year. Sleep well…

BUT after that quite something will stay:

  • And we definetly won’t make hold from new torture methods we learned from each other, like tickling and biting each other. I’m so sorry for all the siblings.
  • …on the other hand we’re gonna need a lot of love, cuddles, massages and Kraulen
  • Our language is gonna be a wild mix out of different regions of Germany, swisserland and Austria („jetzat, Funzel, sich ausrasten…“ please be patient)
  • We will also use a lot of jokes and insiders like “Fatzo”, “Festguss”, “Hobbyexperte” and a lot others.
  • Maybe we can surprise you by our opinion of several controversial topics, but we had six months of freedom to think a lot, without the Einfluss of the whole world.
  • Some of the clothing we bring won’t be ours for sure…I’ve already got some pieces in my mind.
  • Surprise, surprise, we now know how to wash your own laundry or use a toilet brush.
  • And the memory’s we gathered, we will keep forever <3
  • The biggest thing, that might have changed is our maturity . When we look back to our “Octoberself” it almost feels like a smaller sibling. To all the parents that see a young grown-up in us: We understand you now.

But some things we won’t have any more…

  • Uhm…a lot of money we lost to sweets?!
  • Sadly some of the laptops, phones, iPads and other technical equipment died because of the harsh sea. Rest in peace, we loved you.
  • On the other side the addiction to our phone is a lot less than before.
  • Also the ability to wake up by an alarm clock will be completely gone. We’ve been woken up half a year with very creative wake-up methods…
  • Our style? Let’s just not talk about it, but we lived in sweatpants and hoodies (or clothes that don’t belong to us) for six months.
  • To keep up with the clothes topic: A loooot of underwear, bedsheets and towels got lost during the journey.
  • And of course: Our old personality. It feels so crazy to look back to your past self and realise how much you’ve developed in that time <3

The Pelican

Todays crazy event actually started yesterday. Incredible news reached us: The Pelican of London, our partnership reached us. And it was clear, we will meet them, finally after several chances we missed.

Projektcrew 23/24
Projektteam Pelican of London und Regina Maris, von links nach rechts: Gregor, Tobi, Ben, Fabia, Johanna, Mats, Thomas: DANKE FÜR ALLES, ihr Raketen!!!

Today the handover, at least in the organisation position started. And what way would be better to start it than with a beloved Deep Clean!

At around 14:00 they entered the harbour under full sails! It was very cool to look at the majestic tall ship. Of course we did an obligatory group photo and we talked a lot about the similarities and differences of our voyages. We showed them our beautiful „Reggie“. It was as a crazy though to know that we could have been on the same ship.

Probably it is just because I don’t know it in another way, but I’m kind of happy to be on the Regina Maris with my friends. We ended the day with a free shore leave and a movie night. We will definitely keep this special meeting with the Pelican forever in our minds!

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Ein „ganz normaler Tag“ auf der Regina Maris

Datum: 05.03.2024
Geographische Position: 29°59.5′ N 071°27.5′ W
Etmal: 105 nm
Total: 8327 nm
Schiff: Regina Maris

Soooooo, liebe Leserinnen und Leser des Ocean College Blogs, heute mach‘ ich mal was, was wir eigentlich nicht machen sollen (sehr kriminell unterwegs, ich weiß). Ich erzähle euch von unserem Tag!

In der Theorie machen wir das ja sowieso, aber der entscheidende Unterschied liegt in der Präzision der Präsentation eines repräsentativen Tages! Seid ihr jetzt alle verwirrt?

Naja, jedenfalls ist mir aufgefallen, dass wir uns in zehn Jahren vielleicht gar nicht mehr an einen „ganz normalen Tag“ erinnern können und ihr auch nicht! Und das wäre doch eine Schande, deshalb bekommt ihr jetzt einen Einblick der besonderen Art in unseren Bordalltag.

Ein entspannter Morgen

Der Schlaf vom vierten auf den fünften März war sehr erholsam und ruhig. Schräglage von maximal 15 Grad, der Wellengang eher einschläfernd als wachrüttelnd. 9/10

Der Weckdienst, heute ist es Margaux, ist eigentlich so eine 6/10, aber nach einer unglaublich komplizierten Matheaufgabe (5*2) habe ich mich zu einer 3/10 umentschieden.

Da weder ich noch Isi Lust haben, zu der unmenschlichen Stunde von 07:30 aufzustehen, entscheiden wir uns gemeinschaftlich dafür, noch bis 08:30 zu schlafen. Der Schlaf um diese Zeit ist unruhiger, da er von Licht, Lautstärke und mehreren Besuchern im Icecream-Hallway geprägt ist. 5/10

Schüler schauen die Hatch hoch.


Die Erinnerung von Julius, dass ich in einer halben Stunde Wache habe, weckt mich erneut und ich beschließe schweren Herzens, dass ich wohl oder übel aufstehen muss. 6/10

Es ist überraschenderweise noch Hefezopf da, der mir ein verspätetes Frühstück beschert. 10/10

Nach den bisherigen Ereignissen des heutigen Tages liegt meine Motivation bei 8/10.

Die Temperatur auf Wache ist wunderbar. Um 9:00 ist es noch Musto-Hosen- und Pullover-Wetter, aber im Laufe des Vormittags kann der Zwiebellook angewendet werden und das Outfit mutiert zu kurzer Hose und T-Shirt. 9/10

Eine Schüler*in auf Wache.

Zu den Aufgaben heute auf Wache lässt sich sagen, dass die ships laundry auch nach mehrmaligem Schauen nicht trocknen will, dass ich die (sehr lange) Schot des flying jib dreimal aufrollen muss, weil die Schlaufen immer auf dem Boden schleifen und wir jeweils eine Stunde steuern müssen, weil wir nur zu viert sind. Aber wir setzen das flying jib, diese Aufgabe lässt mich meine 5/10 zu einer 7/10 überdenken.

Wir finden einen ein bis zwei Zentimeter großen fliegenden Fisch und bieten Jonna 2,50€ (Jakob), 2,50€ (ich), ein Eis (Onno) und einen Handschlag (Thomas) für den unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass sie diesen isst.

Tja, Jonna ist um 5,00€, ein Eis, einen Handschlag und einen fliegenden Fisch im Magen reicher…10/10

Von ihrer Reaktion „sehr fischig, nee Spaß, ich hab ihn im Ganzen geschluckt“ bin ich nicht ganz überzeugt. 6/10

Die heutigen Blackstories kenne ich leider fast alle und darf nicht mitraten. 2/10

Mittagessen kann ich mir von Andrea schnorren und kann so die Schlange, die so lang wie der Nil ist, überspringen. 10/10

Geheimes Treffen im Icecream-Hallway, keine weiteren Angaben.

Meetings des heutigen Tages: Im Studentsmeeting keine Besonderheiten und im Announcement die Ankündigung, dass wir ab jetzt nur noch alle drei Tage duschen. 4/10

Ein weiteres geheimes Treffen im Icecream-Hallway, keine weiteren Angaben, aber 10/10.


Meine Motivation in Aussicht auf Physikunterricht: -12/10.

Der Physikunterricht entpuppt sich als gar nicht so übel wie befürchtet. Habe einen schönen Aufschrieb und gleichzeitig das Thema verstanden. Nach der legendären Physikstunde, in der mein Heimatlehrer einen E-Scooter in die Schule gebracht hat und wir damit durchs Schulgebäude gerast sind (er hat versucht, uns das Thema Beschleunigen näher zu bringen), eine der besten Physikstunden meines Lebens. 7/10

Ein Schüler erklärt etwas vor der Klasse.

Kuchenpause mit Schoko-Bananen-Kuchen. 100/10

Free learning Zeit, heute zur Abwechslung recht produktiv. 8/10

Margaux versucht mir das russische Alphabet beizubringen. Ich glaube zwar, sie verarscht mich und sagt immer unterschiedliche Buchstaben, aber sehr lustig. 9/10

Die Galleyduty, heute bestehend aus Luisa, Lizzy und Luis, bekocht uns heute mal wieder sehr lecker und ich kann das Abendessen nur mit einer 9/10 bewerten.

Der Abend

Das Abendleben verpasse ich aufgrund dieses Tagesberichts leider. 0/10

Meine Stimmung hebt sich bei der abendlichen Vorleserunde, bei der ich mittlerweile auch schon einige Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer dazugewonnen habe. 9/10

Der Tagebucheintrag von heute wird verschoben (0/10), aber der Tag an sich kann mit einer 8,5/10 bewertet werden.

Eine Schülerin segelt im Sonnenuntergang.


Lenara: 🎉Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Mama.🎉 Ich bin im Herzen bei Dir. Deine Weltenseglerin

Franka: Küsschen aufs Nüsschen an Yari, Mama und Papa und Familie, Elisa und alle anderen Freunde!

Elisabeth: Sorry, dass ich es vergessen habe, aber es war seeeeehr viel los. Also, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Papi! Wenn auch etwas verspätet…upsss

Liebe Grüße auch von Rainer.

Ein „ganz normaler Tag“ auf der Regina Maris Read More »

Daily Report Struggles and Costa Rican Adventures

Date: 27.01.2024
Position: Don Eli Coffee Farm
Etmal: 0 nm
Total: 6325 nm
Ship: Regina Maris

Let’s be honest: We all have stuff that we’re not really looking forward to. In Germany, that might be a math exam, the upcoming bad-weather period, or a dentist appointment. When you do an Ocean College voyage, the things you’re not looking forward to are a little different. Here it is, for example, doing the heads and showers, cleaning the dishes, or the daily reports.

Our Perspective: One Year Ago

Last year around this time, we were all super addicted to the Ocean College homepage and the daily reports that were published on it. We were the very first ones reading it and analyzing every single detail.

The first thing we did after waking up was checking if a new one was published. Some of us also read all the daily reports from every single voyage before. You might think now: „Weird, don’t they have any hobbies in their lives?“ To be honest, we used to be like junkies.

But hey, it was our dream to participate and we were (and we still are) super excited for the adventure of our lives <3. Some individuals even stalked the living crap out of, well…EVERYTHING. Not gonna name anyone…

The Perspective of Those Who Stayed in Germany, etc.

I suppose it’s not a surprise that basically all our parents, other family members and friends really enjoy the daily reports. I mean, they give an inside view into what’s happening in their children’s lives, so what more do you want as someone who stays at home and waits for news?

Ja nomaaal, we would say. From my parents and friends, I know that they check the homepage every single day and greet each other in the morning with: „Have you already heard they are currently in…” And I mean, if my friend would be six months away from home, I would react the same. BUT: From our perspective now, the situation feels a little different…

Our Perspective: Now

Well, let me explain the struggle: We all know the person that has the daily report the day before us, so we already know: Oh shit, it’s my daily report tomorrow.

This is the case for most of us. The really smart ones already gather ideas before and start to write it a few days in advance. Props to these people (including me, hehe)!

Talking about some individual cases, they completely ignore their daily report until they forget that they even exist. So they start at eight pm when Mats reminds them that they still have to hand in the daily report. Upsi…

In General

If you prepare yourself well for the daily reports, it is actually quite relaxed. Even though it is not our favorite task on board, it is just as necessary as doing the heads and showers.

If you don’t do it, it’s a bit shitty. And we won’t even have a daily report once a month. Also, our beloved families and friends (and future OCs) really love to hear from us, so it’s worth it.

But What’s Missing?

The job a daily report should fulfill is not done yet. Since a daily report’s job is to REPORT about our day, I’m gonna do exactly that.

Today, it’s Isy’s birthday; we got woken up by a very happy „Geburtstagskind“ with a big grin on her face. Of course, we sang a very melodic „Happy Birthday“ with our beautiful siren voices. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder…

In the morning, we enjoyed a coffee-tasting, with three different kinds of coffee. The way you prepare the coffee is always the same. First, you rinse the filter with hot water, so what you taste is coffee and just the coffee.

Schülerin mahlt den Kaffee

Then you grind the coffee beans with a grinder that looks a little bit like the ones you use for pepper. To one gram of coffee, you add 15 milliliters of 90 to 95-degree hot water. That process should take you about three to four minutes so the coffee can develop its best taste.

Schülerin gießt Kaffee ein

We tried Tarrazú, which looked incredibly red in the light. It wasn’t very bitter and had a strong taste of cacao. Anaerobic was very fruity and sweet, kind of weird to our European tastebuds. Geisha was also a crazy one.

It should have tasted like tea and some fruits but in our opinion, it was just very bitter and not as flavorful as the others. We also got to try a tea made out of the fruit that is around the bean.

You either loved or hated that bomb of caffeine. We were allowed to buy the coffee just from where it’s made, so of course we all bought a lot of coffee. Dear families, please prepare yourself for an empty bank account and another bag full of presents we will bring to Amsterdam.

After that, there was some more work on the plantation. The fruit of the coffee tree which was already separated from the bean does not just get thrown away.

No, over time it rots to compost that you can use for the coffee trees. But for that, it has to dry out completely. So we mixed around the fruits to rotate the layers.

We finished our „hard work“ with a joyful (and adventurous) ride in the truck downhill. After a good mixup of our stomach content (almost felt like seasickness was back 😉 ), we were ready for a filling and delicious lunch.

Schülerin schaufelt den Boden

We used the afternoon for a (again very adventurous) truck ride to a beautiful river with a waterfall. The river was only knee-deep but was somewhere about 15 degrees. So it was veeery cold.

Some of us caught a cold during the last days, but that is only temporary and who would skip such a beautiful experience just because of a cold?! Well, I guess that’s Ocean College logic. We ended the day with Isy’s birthday cake that Lilia and Lizzy baked for her. I guess we can all be very thankful for a cool day like this.


Franka: Liebe Grüße an Yari, Mama, Papa, meine ganze Familie, Elisa und meine Freunde. Ich hab euch sehr lieb. Auch liebe Grüße an alle zukünftigen OC’s, es wird die schönste Zeit eures Lebens!

Lilia: Nicht persönlich nehmen wenn ich mich erstmal nicht melde, mein Handy ist kaputt 🙂

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Süßer die Plätzchen nie schmecken

Datum: 23.12.2023
Geographische Position: 12° 08.6’N 063°30.8’W
Etmal: 151 nm
Total: 5164 nm
Schiff: Regina Maris

Kerzenschein und Tannenduft,
Weihnachten liegt in der Luft.
Ruhe und Besinnlichkeit,
wünscht man sich zur Weihnachtszeit.

Weiße Weihnacht wie im Bilderbuch,
wird auf der Regina Maris noch gesucht.
In einem stimmen wir alle überein,
dieses Jahr wird’s anders sein.

Weihnachten bei 35 Grad, 
Ein Thema über das man sich streiten mag.
Für manche Fluch für manche Segen,
genau das wird es dieses Jahr geben.

Am vollen Tagesplan mag’s liegen,
aber von Weihnachtsstimmung ist noch nicht viel mitzukriegen.
Trotz akribischer Vorbereitungsmaßnahmen,
sind unsere Vorstellungen wie Seifenblasen,
wage und verschwommen, fasst nicht real,
für manch einen kolossal.

Weit weg vom deutschen Zuhause,
gönnen sich die Schiffswichtel eine Pause.
Viel zu tun hatten sie in den letzten Wochen,
vom Dekorieren und Backen über Putzen und Kochen.

Dekoriert wird seit dem ersten Dezember,
leider ein Tag der Seekrankheit, remember?
Dennoch: der Messroom strahlt in vollem Glanze,
geschmückt mit Lichtern und Kugeln, aufs große Ganze.

Doch auch unsere Cabins sind nicht zu vergessen,
es gab einen Wettkampf, in dem sie sich in Dekoration messen.
Auch Crew und Lehrer sind dabei, 
denn wem ist Weihnachten schon einerlei?

Doch auch in der Weihnachtsbäckerei,
gibt es manche Leckerei.
Dank fleißiger Galley-Elfen,
gibt es immer wieder wen zum Plätzchen ausstechen helfen.

Kaum wabert der Duft über das Meer,
kommt sofort eine Gruppe von Schüler:innen her,
Nur das eine haben sie im Sinn:
Plätzchen stibitzen, da sind sie gut drin.

Ein Baum, davor ein Meer aus Geschenken?
Nein, das ist Wunschdenken,
traurig sind wir darüber nicht,
Schließlich bekommen wir auf dieser Reise genug zu Gesicht,
Es mag ein wenig altmodisch klingen,
aber die Freude und Dankbarkeit gegenüber den kleinsten Dingen,
macht uns froh und verleiht uns zum Singen.

Natürlich gehen auch wir nicht leer aus,
wir teilen uns die Geschenke einfach selbst aus.
Gewichtelt wurde kurz bevor, 
die Namen wurden geflüstert in jedes Ohr.
Tja, Geheimhaltung gehört zu den Sachen,
einmal im Umlauf, nichts mehr zu machen. 

Nicht zuletzt gibt es ja noch uns,
geschmückt mit allem möglichen, Hinz und Kunz.
Elfenmützen, und Rentiergeweihe,
hin und wieder Weihnachtssocken in einer Reihe.

Nicht zuletzt bleibt noch zu sagen,
wir sind froh, dass wir uns haben.
Wir freuen uns ein Loch in den Bauch,
und hoffen, ihr tut es auch.

Wir machen uns hier eine schöne Zeit,
nur frohe Gesichter weit und breit,
Liebe Grüße an zuhause,
Wir haben euch lieb, ohne Pause.
Fröhliche Weihnachten! 


Franka: Liebe Grüße an meine Eltern und Yara, meine ganze restliche Familie und Elisa, meine beste Freundin. Und auch liebe Grüße an Alina, meine unerschöpfliche Dichterfreundin. Ich hab‘ euch alle ganz doll lieb und hoffe, ihr feiert schön, auch ohne mich;) 

Kris: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Papa! Hab‘ dich lieb!

Joshua: Sooooo, im Gegensatz zum letzten Mal weiß ich heute genau, wer Geburtstag hat, nämlich Oma: Alles Gute zum 80. Geburtstag und auch Denni: Alles Gute🥳

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School and other crazy stuff

Date: 20.11.2023
Geographical Position: 3914.1N 01029.4W
Etmal: 199nm
Total: 1186
Ship: Regina Maris

Today was a crazy day for the students of the Regina Maris. Exactly one month ago, we started the greatest adventure of our lives. We’re not at the beginning of our journey, yet we’re not in the middle either. We like to say it’s the end of the beginning.

The phase in which it’s weird to drink together out of one cup, use tickling attacks as torture, or get thrown into freezing cold water without your permission [Yes, that did happen, my trust is broken ;)] we passed a long time ago. But there are still situations you would never expect to happen, or at least not so soon.

Here are some examples:

  • Going to sleep at 8 pm
  • Wearing eight jackets, six pants, and four pairs of socks and still being cold during night watch
  • Having a great time at night watch at 4 am
  • Having an average of five hours of sleep per night and being fine with that
  • Not drinking coffee but three glasses of chocolate milk per person
  • Getting milk restrictions because of that
  • Wanting to eat fruit and vegetables so badly, there are real fights about the last apple
  • Cleaning under your mattress so well there is not even a little grain of dust left
  • Not showering for two weeks
  • Splitting your clothes into very dirty and unwearable and just dirty and wearable
  • Feeling powerful and strong while steering or just emptying a vomiting-bucket
  • Getting a team that quick and looking forward to the same things
  • Looking forward to school one day

But this is what happened today: It was our first day of school today and in a very weird way, we were looking forward to it. Just the thought of having school after four weeks was refreshing. Every watch was split up into two parts. Alpha 2, Bravo 2, and Charlie 2 had school from 9 am to 1 pm, and Group 1 had from 3 pm to 7 pm. We only have one or two subjects per day, but it’s more intense than in a normal school.

Today it was German class. The first thing we talked about was some (boring but necessary) organization stuff. After that, we had a discussion about traveling and our journey. I think everyone learned something new and was inspired by the opinions of the others. The following free learning phase we used for doing our weekly reflection, school work from home, or in my case, this daily report. 🙂 By the way, today was also very cool because we finally passed Lisbon and the first people wore shorts and t-shirts on board.

I think I can talk for everyone when I say this was an interesting but also challenging day for us. But all in all, we will have a good time doing watches and school at the same time and are looking forward to it.

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Sleeping, Cleaning, Killing

Date: 26th of October 2023
Position: Scheveningen, Port
Etmal: 27nm
Ship: Regina Maris

Attention: Killers running around

At 10 o’clock sharp, the big game started. At every corner, we now fear a killer waiting for us. Yesterday, each of us picked a name of the person we have to kill, an object we have to hand that person in order to kill him/her and a place where we have to hand the object over. An example from the last year: Someone had to hand a hairdryer to the cook, who obviously does not climb on the mast. (Don’t worry, we are not going to give any accurate examples 😉

We don’t know who is dead yet, but we are eagerly awaiting the winner 🙂

Just another deep clean…

Before the game started, though, we learned the difference between cleaning and deep cleaning. We had to get the sand away, which, as you can imagine, hides in every corner of the ship. Additionally, we had to tidy up and clean our cabins to get a free shore leave. Luckily, we all managed.

Our favorite: Free shore leave 🙂

From 3-7 pm, we had free shore leave and we split up into different groups. One group decided to visit the famous Christmas shopping place we discovered two days ago. They also made a short visit to the beach and ate some fries due to “starving.” (That’s what they told us at least)

Another group went running 6 km. I think the opinions on that run are very different according to who we ask, but generally, it was really refreshing to do sports again and to be able to move more than just 48m up and down the ship. We also discovered an enormous guitar store; it was great!

The most important thing on board: SLEEP

In the afternoon, we interviewed a few people about how they feel about the current sleeping situation and as you can imagine, it is kind of hard to get sleep when we have night watches. Here are the results:

Stella: She gets enough sleep when she is not on duty and the worst watch according to her is 4-6 am. But she is still emotionally less tired than at home.

Julius: He likes the 0-2 am watch the best and he thinks watch is really fun, also because there is always something happening in the harbor. According to him, the 2-4 am watch is the worst because of the short sleeping periods.

Kris: In the morning, she is really tired, but it gets better during the day. The best watch is 6-8 am because you get to wake people up (haha) and you get to sleep through the night.

Jane (Watchleader): She is not tired at all and has the perfect amount of energy for the whole day. (No wonder until now she was lucky not to be scheduled for harbor watch) 😉

We asked Mathieu (our 1st mate) about his experience with night watches and he gave us some tips and insights: He really likes night watches because they are cozy and the captain is not awake;) The 1-5 am watch is really lucky because they get to have picnics and hot chocolate. And there may be a sneaky night party as well 🙂 Generally, if you want to have a good night’s sleep, even if you have a watch, you should go to bed early, get at least eight hours of sleep and do a lot of napping. (By the way, he randomly started singing the tips when we asked for advice).

From us (Franka and Emma): Well, we now know to use every single minute to sleep! The funny thing is that through the interviews we found out that people may be physically very tired but emotionally less so than at home. Since we didn’t really start to sail yet, the sleeping situation is not too bad, but we’re sure that there is going to be an update very soon… 🙂

Students sleeping in the messroom.

Party time!!!

You must be wondering how we got this motivated to actually clean everything. Well, the secret is a little reward we are very much looking forward to 🙂 In the Messroom, we have tons of Sodas, chips, and sweets for the party tonight just waiting to be eaten by us 🙂

Greetings home:

Von Emma: Liebe Grüße nach Hause, hab‘ euch alle dolle lieb 🙂 <3

Von Franka: Liebe Grüße an meine liebe Familie und die liebe Elisa, ich hab‘ euch alle lieb 🙂

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